Web Media in Japan
Thursday, June 18, 2020
(Gloucestercitynews.net)(June 18, 2020)--Thanks to the technology, there has been a major shift from... Read more →
NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia (Gloucestercitynews.net)(June 18, 2020)--Thanks to the technology, there has been a major shift from...
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CNBNEWS ARCHIVES posted Thursday, January 31, 2008 UPDATE: For six years Hank wrote a column for CNBNews "When East Meets West". He died in August 2012 at the age of 75 By Hank F. Miller Jr I received this from a good friend awhile back. Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced at church services: The Fasting & Prayer Conference: includes meals. The sermon this morning: "Jesus walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus." Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of...
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UPDATE: For six years Hank wrote a column for CNBNews "When East Meets West". He died in August 2012 at the age of 75 published July 2007 By Hank Miller Being so many miles away from Gloucester City on a rainy Sunday afternoon with the flu in Kitakyushu City, Japan with time to think of my past. I began thinking of when I was a boy in Gloucester and recalling the things that my good friend Eddie Williams had mentioned in one of his most recent letters from his home in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. The things we enjoyed and did...
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Posted here on March 15, 2007 (submitted by Hank Miller) You know, time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. And yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all... And I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams... But, here it is..the winter of my life and it catches me...
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Posted here March 24, 2007 Commentary By Hank F. Miller Jr. CNBNEWS.NET (MARCH 24, 2007)--I came across this phrase in a book yesterday "FENDER SKIRTS". A term I haven't heard in a long time and thinkingabout "fender skirts" started me thinking about other words that quietly disappear from our language with hardly a notice. Like "curb feelers" and "steering knobs." Since I'd been thinking of cars, my mind naturally went that direction first. Any kids will probably have to find some elderly person over 50 to explain some of these terms to you. Remember "Continental kits?" They were rear bumper...
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MACAU (AFP) April 7, 2013, 1:57:02 PM EDT Scott Halleran/Getty Images/AFP/File Bob Arum, founder and CEO of Top Rank, waits on stage as Nonito Donaire of the Philippines and Jorge Arce of Mexico have their official weigh-in at the PlazAmericas Mall on December 14, 2012 in Houston, Texas. Boxing was banned in Chinaunder Mao Zedong because it was deemed too Western and too violent. But if top promoter Bob Arumgets his way -- and he usually does -- the country will be the future of the sport. "For any serious business person... it's a country of 1.4 billion people and...
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Mr. Miller with his wife Keiko by CNBNEWS STAFF Harry Miller Jr., of Kitakyushu City, Japan died August 19, 2012 from lung cancer. He was 75 years old. A former resident of Gloucester City NJ, Hank was the author of the semi-weekly CNBNEWS column When East Meets West which featured stories about the customs of Japan. He began writing the column for CNBNews in 2007 and continued to write it until two months before he died. He was also the founder of Miller English School of Japan. Mr. Miller graduated from St. Mary’s Grammar School and was a member of...
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English: Image of a net (toami) Tanabata decoration, photographed during the Sendai Tanabata Festival, held at Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. I took this photograph on August 7, 2005. This image is multi licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. commons:category:Tanabata commons:category:Sendai commons:category:2005 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. cnbnews.net Tanabata Matsuri is the essence of summer and summer festivals. Held in Japan on either July 7 or August 7, in other Asian countries such as China and South Korea also hold Star Festivals. The original form of Tanabata derives from...
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source http://www.jeanniejeannie.com These amazing photos of endless flowers are from the Wisteria T...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. CNBNEWS.NET May 5 Children’s Day corresponding to the girls day in March to Momi-no-sekku,or Peach Festival for girls on March 3,this day used to be called Tango-no-sekkuor Boy's Festival.After World War II, May 5 was designated as Children’s Day and made a national holiday.This is also known as the "day of the shobu (iris)."Or "Martial Prowess."The Idea being that,when faced with challenging moments,boys will learn to face difficulties in a decisive,manly fashion. Rites performed on this day are performed with such wishes in mind: Families with sons display warrior dolls that are dressed in...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. cnbnews.net Yet I too am a survivor.True, My challenges list looks like this: Struggling doggedly with another language and culture,not just for a few weeks, but for every single day of every single year, year-in and year-out...Raising three kids between two lands and a pair of families parted by a wide world of differences and understanding...Sweating through a boiling cost of living that over baked even the smallest of expenditures...Thus perhaps the hardest task of all this is watching other folks in similar situations not being able to survive, but rather pack up everything...
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Note: Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City NJ who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net)Japan is presently on the highest alert now-code Pink.I'm referring to the cherry blossom season alert. The blushing blossoms carpet Japan with pink all the way up the Japanese archipelago from Southern Kyushu to Hokkaido.When full pink blossoms are mankai-in full bloom. The cherry blossom report is broadcasts on the nightly news alongside the weather report. Cherry blossom reports are extremely accurate.When reported in Fukuoka Prefecture the blossoms would burst fourth from their...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. cnbnews.net Note: Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST The Hina Doll Festival , which is also called the Girls'Festival or Peach Festival, is observed on March 3. This is a festival to wish for the health , growth and happy marriages of young girls. Dolls in ancient costumes are displayed on tiers of shelves covered by bright red cloth. These dolls represent the emperor and empress, their nobie court ladies-in-waiting and ministers. The Doll Festival dates from midieval times, but it...
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Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. cnbnews.net Setsubun literally means the " division of the seasons" and refers to the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar. Setsubun falls on February 3 or 4.On the evening of this day,people throw roasted beans or peanuts inside or outside the their homes shouting "Oniwa-soto, Fukuwa-uchi,"which means"out with the demons,in with good fortune ." Of course,the aim of this ritual is to keep the house safe from harm while inviting goos luck to come inside.The ritual has become a production of...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net) It is a natural step for parents who have seen their children through age seven to hope their kids grow up to become decent adults.As a result,people in Japan adopted the social custom of expressing gratitude for and celebrating the arrival of maturity in a splendid if solemn ceremony. Such coming of age rituals are still observed today. Image via Wikipedia Long ago,the average life span was only 40 years, the age at which one was considered an adult was much younger.Boys were considered adults at around age 15, girls at around 13....
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. The Japanese economic was at it's peak back in 1986. The country was almost as great an economic power as the U.S.A. It's now 25 years later and Japan has changed greatly after experiencing the failure of the bubble economy, the lemon shock and the Great East Japan Earthquake. With the economic success of Asian countries (especially China), the world faces a new age.While corporations from advanced countries have moved their manufacturing overseas,the economies of those nations suffer and unemployment rates have been soaring. Because of this, in place of manufacturing, many nations are...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Shichi-go-san is the name of a traditional festival in Japan which celebrates the growth of children at the ages of three,five and seven. It takes place on the 15th of November each year,and it's common on this day for boys aged three and five and girls aged three and seven to visit a Buddhist shrines, temples or a Christian church often dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono for girls and boys a hakama. Image via Wikipedia Basically,these events are based on rituals that traditionally celebrated three steps in the growth of children.The ceremony for...
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Joseph B. Miller, 21, of Medford, passed away suddenly on October 4, 2011. Mr. Miller died after the car he was riding in struck a deer, followed by several trees. The driver of the car was injured. Mr. Miller was a student at Stockton College. He is the cousin of Hank Miller who writes the CNBNews.net column When East Meets West. Born in Cooper University Medical Center in Camden, Joseph was raised in Clementon, before moving to Medford in 1999. He attended St. Mary of the Lakes School, and was a parishioner at St. Mary of the Lakes R.C. Church...
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Commentary By Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net)The second Monday of October is Sports Day/Health-Sports Day in Japan. It's purpose is to promote health and well-being through sports,and this is the day for sports and to foster a sound mind and body. The day was originally celebrated on October 10th,the day that is most likely to be sunny at this time of the year according to statistical research result,to commemorate the opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Around this time of the year sports festivals is held in schools, sometime in other places such as companies,and by neighborhood groups across...
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Image via Wikipedia Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net)This summer has been hotter and longer than most.But rather than fight it hide indoors in the comfort of air conditioning. Westerners of all ages seem to embrace the summer with a certain zest:tank tops, shorts, sandals, wrinkles,skin cancer. The Japanese on the other hand,do not seem to be suited for heat. I remember as a child in the summertime in Gloucester,City as a boy running in and out of the house all day long in bare feet and no shirt just wearing blue jeans to go outside. Not in Japan....
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Image via Wikipedia Commentary by Hank F. Miller jr. This seasonal festival is also known as the"day of double yang."Nine is the largest of the numbers, which,being doubled on this date,makes it an especially auspicious day.Because this is the season when mums are in bloom,they are used for decorations while drinks are being poured.Another ritual associated with this day was the practice of wiping the skin with a piece of cotton cloth dampened by the evening dew taken from the chrysanthemums.These customs,were celebrated up until the middle ages,and thus are not given much attention these days in Japan.In China,however the...
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Have you seen the new cars coming out next year? It won’t be long before $2,000 will only buy a used one. Did you hear the post office is thinking about charging 7 cents just to mail a letter. Info submitted by Hank Miller, author unknown...more to come Related articles Arrest Warrant Issued for the Former Treasurer of the Gloucester City Swim Club -cnbnews.net (gloucestercitynews.net) LOOKING FOR THE BEETLE? Dept. of Agriculture to Survey Gloucester City-cnbnews.net (gloucestercitynews.net) Attention Gloucester City Residents-cnbnews.net (gloucestercitynews.net) Murphy chosen as Washington Township GOP Mayor Candidate-cnbnews.net (gloucestercitynews.net)
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net)This is something we all need to read and apply to ourselves, One day I decided to quit.... I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality..... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God."God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"His answer surprised me..."Look around", He said."Do you see the fern and the bamboo?""Yes", I replied."When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.I gave them light. I gave them water. The...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net)Since the Japanese Democratic Party came to power in September 2009 the word "chiho bunken" (devolution)has been replaced by the new expression "chiki shuken" (local sovereignty). The government on November 17 that year created the "Local Sovereignty Strategy Council" chaired by the Prime minister ,Naoto Kan. " Devolution)," which is an antonym of a centralized form of government,means delegating to local governments some of the power and authority now heavily concentrated in the central government ministries and agencies,which are often referred to sa"KIasumigaseki" after the name of the central part of Tokyo, where most...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net)August 7, 2011-The blast center Hiroshima City. At 25 meters in midair southeast of Shima Hospital at 19 Saikumachi,Cho.The death toll after the explosion, 140,000 people perished.The death toll by the atomic blast at both Hiroshima and Nagasaki has not been confirmed yet.The report to the United Nations Secretary General in 1976 said that the death toll was 140,000 in Hiroshima and 70,000 in Nagasaki. Letter by Mr.Atarashi Oshima,a Church member on our church in Kuroseki, Kitakyushu City. At that time I was working in Tabata,Kitakyushu city.I was a skinny kid,but was drafted into...
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"Mothers Lullaby" Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (cnbnews.net) August 6, 2011-A big old tree stands by the side of a road near the city of Hiroshima.Through the years,it has seen many things. One summer night the tree heard a lullaby.A mother was singing to her little girl under the tree. They looked happy and the song sounded sweet.But the tree remembered something sad. Yes, It was 66 years ago. I heard a lullaby that night too." On the morning of that day,a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima.Many people lost their lives,and many others were injured.In seconds...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Note: Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST A series of events called "Oban" is centered on August 13th, to 15th,when Japanese greets their ancesters spirits.Oban is a Buddist festival when the Japanese people welcome and enertain their ancesters spirits who are believed to have returned home to the mortal world. Oban combines indigenous Japanese religious faith in one's ancesters with Buddhist concepts. A story of an eminent Indian monk forms the basis employed divine powers to locate...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. MIller Jr. China imposed a widespread ban on coverage of last month's high-speed train crash,forcing newspapers across the country to scrap pages of stories,Hong Kong newspapers reported Sunday. The Sundy Morning Post said that Chinese propaganda authorities issued a censorship order late Friday,banning all coverage of the crash"except positive news or information released by the authorities."The ban came after state media published rare criticism of the government over its responce to the July 23 crash,which killed at least 40,injured almost 200 and called into question the fast expansion of China's high-speed rail...
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Image via Wikipedia WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. A fatal crash on China's high-speed train network could scuttle Beijing's ambitions to sell the technology overseas and could also hit its existing rail exports.Shares in Chinese rail and train builders have fallen sharply since the accident,which killed at least 39 people and injured 200, and raised questions as to the passengers who are still missing after the crash. PHOTO CHINESE PREMIER WEN JIABAO Beijing's rush to develop the world's biggest high-speed network. Initial reports blamed Saturday's collision on a lightning strike that knocked out power to...
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Image via Wikipedia WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. A Japanese expert who analyzed video footage of Saturday's fatal bullet train accident in China said Sunday it was and accident hard to imagine happening here in Japan,even though one of the trains involved appears to be one modeled on a domestic shinkansen. A Japanese Railway official said shinkansen systems have been equipped with automatic train contol devices since they were inaugurated in 1964 because of the understanding that it would be difficult for the driver to rely on visuual traffic confirmation of the need to apply...
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Image via Wikipedia WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. China has banned local journalist from investigating the cause of the deadly high-speed train crash that has triggered public outrage and raised questions over safety, reports said Tuesday. China's propaganda department issued the order Sunday, according to a copy of the directives published by the China Digital Times, a U.S.-based site focusing on web news from China. News that journalists had been ordered to focus instead on"touching stories"about blood donors coming forward and free taxi services emerged as the death toll from Saturday's crash near the eastern...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Note: Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Doubts about China's breakneck plans to expand high-rail across the country have been underscored by a bullet train wreck that killed at least 36 people. Image via Wikipedia Railways Minister Sheng Guangzu has apologized to the victims of Saturday's crash, and their families. "As I watched on TV the complete broadcast',I noted most for my commentary from many other news sources to bring this news to you first hand that...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Socrates said his wisdom flowed from knowing he knew nothing.I can relate.Except in my case, I know almost nothing. Yet I do have one area of expertise from which my own personal wisdom flowed. That being: I am an expert on BS. I write BS. I talk BS. I breathe BS. If there is one thing I know it's BS, I am so full of BS. that I myself doubt most of what I say. So,of course, I am a devoted fan of Japanese BS television. It's all I watch. I know it does...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller jr. (CNBNEWS.NET)Many people in the Tokyo Metropolitan area who were living in a high-rise when the March 11 earthquake struct, subsequently decided to move. The problem was not the structural integrity of the building, which was not damaged at all. photo of high rise buildings in Tokyo Japan According to a survey by the Condominium Management Companies Association, even high-rises in the Tohoku and Chiba region"performed"excellently. None collapsed, and only 1.6 percent required"large-scale"repairs.More than 80 percent sustain only slight cosmetic damage or none at all. For the Japanese people the issue...
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Image via Wikipedia Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Note: Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Tanabta Matsuri is the essence of summer and of summer festivals. Held in Japan on either July 7 or August 7, Asian countries such as China and South Korea also hold Star festivals. The original form of Tanabata derives from QI Xi,the Chinese Star Festival. Introduced to the Imperial Palace in Kyoto during the Nara Era (eight century), it became a popular event among the general public in the early Edo...
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A Happy Fourth Of July America Commentary By Hank f. Miller Jr. Note: Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST (CNBNEWS.NET)Today, millions of Americans will look to the sky to watch brilliant displays of fireworks in celebration of Independence Day. As they have done every fourth of July for the last 235 years, Americans will take a moment to reflect on what these fireworks represent--the liberty, equality, freedom and democracy that our founders fought so hard for. These principles have since become the cornerstones of American society. For...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. (CNBNEWS.NET)During my yearly health check I was diagnosed with aortic valvular stenosis after a heart ultrasound was performed along with several other test on my heart I was admitted to the hospital to prepare for open heart surgery on February 28, 2011 to March 5, 2011. I was released do to having a cold and I also had a slight fever. Note: Hank, (photo), is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST I kept going to the hospital as an out patient to continue...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. When friends back home contacted me to see if we were OK after the March 11,2011, disaster I told everyone the same thing. "We're OK. We live about 1,200 kilometers from the disaster zone.We haven't been affected at all." PHOTO: HANK MILLER We didn't feel the earthquake , not even slightly. We have had no blackouts. We continue to have food,water and daily necessities. But of course this is not all true. The disaster has everyone in Japan, including the people living here in Kitakyushu. People collect food, batteries for flash lights, clothing blankets...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Japan at this time is preparing for the higest alert code-Pink .I'm referring to the cherry blossom season alert. which takes place each year after a cold winter when the Japanese people welcome the coming of Spring.The blushing blossoms carpet Japan with pink all the way up the Japanese archipelago from Southern Kyushu to Hokkaido.Full pink alert is when cherry blossoms are mankai-in full bloom. IMAGE: The Fuji Japan Cherry Blossoms The cherry blossom report is broadcasts on the nightly news during the weather report, cherry blossom reports in Japan are extremely accurate.When reported...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary By Hank F. Miller Jr. The magnitude of Friday's 8.8 earthquake that jolted northeastern Japan was caused by a tectonic upheaval that created offshore faults stretching for hundreds of kilometers from Iwate Prefecture to Ibrakai, seismologist said on Saturday evening. As i watched N H K TV, Satoko Oki of the University of Tokyo's Earthquake Research Institute said the massive quake, estimated to be nearly 1,000 times more powerful than the 1995 Great Honshin Earthquake that killed more than 6,000 people, was caused by a rupture near the boundary between the Pacific and North American...
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Entire communities destroyed; fires rage out of control. Earthquake, Tsunami Slams Widespread Areas of Japan...Initial death toll and damage not yet calculated Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. An earthquake with a historic magnitude of 8.9 struck the Tohoku region friday,registering the highest intensity level of 7on the Japanese seismic scale, in Miyagi Prefecture,the Meteorological Agency said. Miyagi and four other prefectures and many people were reported injured. The quake struck at 2:46 P.M.Many fires were reported at scores of locations in northeastern Japan, as well as a huge refinery inferno in Chiba Prefecture.The quake was felt hundreds of kilometers...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. This festival was celebrated in China on the day of the snake in the first part of March, so it was called the"festival of the first snake day"(i.e.,the first of three days of the snake that appear during the month of March). In Japan,the timing corresponds to the blossoming of peach trees,so the name has come to be known as the"day of the peach." This is the day that girls celebrate the doll festival known as hina matsuri, drinking shirozake (white sake) and eating sweets. In some regions,dolls made of...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. "This time,like all other times,is a very good one,if we but know what to do with it." Ralph Waldo Emerson. Here we go again. I read in the newspaper and see on TV, often that "Young people,"Are rapidly becoming stupid."They can't calculate, can't communicate.They have no manners, no ambition, and no interest in anything; no consideration for other people,no knowledge of world affairs. Image: Hank and Keiko Miller It is my profession; It has been the focus of my life for 33 years. For this reason,writing about the people of...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST By Hank F. Miller Jr. On my most recent trip to visit family and friends in Portland, Oregon, an earnest young lady asked,"Don't you think the Japanese people have a unique sense of beauty?" From her expectant manner it was apparent that her question had been a rhetorical one. When it came,my answer must have been a disappointment."I'm not at all sure of that," I said. Her smile faded and two wrinkles made furrows between her eyebrows. "But you've been living in Japan for 33 years,"She said."Perhaps that's the reason I can't answer your question,"I replied....
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Hi Bill & Connie, Hank Here ! We hope that you had a wonderful holiday Season with your family,and enjoyed every minute of it as we did. I have been away from the computer due to my health issues and and being very busy. I probably won't be on the computer so often, but I'll do my best to check ocassionally. recent photo of Hank Miller While In Hospital for A Colon Operation More Health Issues Were Found! As for my open Heart Surgery I'm still awaiting for the doctor to call me and give me the date for admittance.When...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Setsubun rituals carried out throughout Japan every year around February 3rd. Setsubun is celebrated the day before "risshun,"referring to the start of the spring season.The ritual itself involves scattering roasted beans both inside and outside the house while loudly reciting the words,"Oniwa-soto, "Fukuwa-uchi,"which means"out with the demons!"In with good fortune."Of course,the aim of this ritual is to keep the house safe from harm while inviting good luck to come inside. The ritual has become a production of sorts at large temples where a demon dressed in costume appears on the...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F.Miller Jr. This was an overwhelming experience that was a pleasurable instead of a dreary one, I have been admitted to Japanese hospital before several years ago. But this had some pain and unpleasant times as every operation has but it was minor. On October 9, 2009 I went to hospital for my yearly check one of the procedures was that I see a doctor of Gastroenterology.The doctor explained to Keiko and I regarding the colonoscopy check, procedure to us then he gave us papers with written information regarding the procedure to be...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. We started our Christmas and New Years in Portland we had a wonderful experience first meeting with our son Max's new family. Caitlin his wife and son Kenji Michael Miller our new grandson , Caitlins, mother father and sister. On December 24, 2009 we met at the Groto. "The Groto is a place of sollitude, peace and prayer." This beautiful 62 acre Catholic shrine and botanical garden is administered by the order of Friar Servants of Mary. The GROTO offers a spectacular natural gallery of religious art with more than...
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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST by Hank Miller My dearly beloved brother Joseph Edward Miller Sr. of Gloucester City, departed this earth on November 24 , 2010. With faith in God, as sure as there is sunshine that follows the summer rain, so to there will be happiness to ease both grief and pain. photo: Joe and his brother Hank, December 2008 Breakfast Club As sure as darkness of night gives way to light of day, the problems that preplex your mind with faith will fade away. As springtime follows winter, and earth is born anew, you'll find that you never...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. A frustrated North Korea is once again, this time lashing out with a deadly volley of artillery aimed at reminding rival South Korea -- and the world--that it will not be ignored. The barrage of shots fired Tuesday at a South Korean island laying within sight of its shores did not come out of nowhere. For weeks, North Korea has been angling for credit for reaching out to the U.S. and South Korea, and has warned that cool response would come at a cost.The destruction that set homes ablaze, sent islanders fleeing for underground...
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Posts categorized "When East Meets West"
Web Media in Japan
Thursday, June 18, 2020
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Church Bulletin Booo-Boos
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
CNBNEWS ARCHIVES: "Fond Memories Of Gloucester City"
Sunday, March 23, 2014
And Then It is Winter
Thursday, January 02, 2014
Fender Skirts, Curb Feelers and Steering Knobs
Monday, December 30, 2013
China is the future for boxing - Arum
Friday, April 12, 2013
CNBNews Columnist Hank Miller Succumbs; Korean/Vietnam Era War Veteran, CIA Employee
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tanabata Festival: A Herald of Summer | cnbnews.net
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Tsuyu or Monsoon Season in Japan | cnbnews.net
Thursday, June 07, 2012
When East Meets West: Children’s Day In Japan | cnbnews.net
Friday, May 04, 2012
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Longtime expatriates all play 'Survivor' | cnbnews.net
Thursday, April 05, 2012
When East Meets West: Cherry Blossom Viewing In Japan | cnbnews.net
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
When East Meets West: The Hina Doll Festival | cnbnews.net
Friday, March 02, 2012
Setsubun or Bean Throwing Day in Japan | cnbnews.net
Friday, February 03, 2012
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Coming of Age Day | cnbnews.net
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
When East Meets West: Cultural Day a National Holiday in Japan-cnbnews.net
Friday, November 04, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Shichi-go-san---Seven-Five-Three Day in Japan
Monday, October 31, 2011
Joseph B. Miller Funeral Services Held; Cousin of CNBNews Columnist
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, October 01, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Summertime and Life's In and Outs -cnbnews.net
Friday, September 16, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Moon-viewing :The "Day of the Chrysanthemum."
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Remember When?: Comments Made in the Year 1955-cnbnews.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST-Me The Fern and the Bamboo-cnbnews.net
Saturday, August 20, 2011
When East Meets West: Far too much local sovereignty in Japan? -cnbnews.net
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: The Bombings-cnbnews.net
Monday, August 08, 2011
When East Meets West: The Bombing of Hiroshima -cnbnews.net
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Visiting home and family graves during the summer holidays-cnbnews.net
Thursday, August 04, 2011
China Forced Newspapers to Ax Rail Crash Pages- cnbnews.net
Monday, August 01, 2011
China Train Crash May Scare off Overseas Buyers-cnbnews.net
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Japanese Experts Say: China's train accident unthinkable here -cnbnews.net
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Derailment rises doubts about China's fast rail system -cnbnews.net
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST : It' Now Time For Complete BS
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
In Japan your dream home could become your nightmare -cnbnews.net
Thursday, July 14, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Tanabata Festival: A Herald of Summer -cnbnews.net
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: America Standing Together with Friends in Japan- cnbnews.net
Monday, July 04, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Open Heart Surgery at a Japanese Hospital -cnbnews.net
Monday, July 04, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Earthquake still felt all over Japan
Saturday, April 02, 2011
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Cherry Blossom Viewing In Japan
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Plate-Born Quake Shifted Earth's Axis 10 CM '
Monday, March 14, 2011
Former Gloucester City Resident Reports on Disaster in Japan...see Video
Saturday, March 12, 2011
March 3rd:The Hina Doll Festival in Japan
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Trouble With Today's Japanese Students
Monday, February 21, 2011
Fukuoka Prefecture,Japan The Dragon's Tail:
Monday, February 14, 2011
Letters: When East Meets West Columnist ask Readers for Their Prayers
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Scattering beans inside and outside the house
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
My Colonoscopy Operation in Japan
Sunday, January 30, 2011
THE Groto on Christmas Eve Portland,Oregon
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Part of My Heart Left This Earth For A Better Place!
Friday, November 26, 2010
When East Meets West: South Korea in a Bind Dealing with North Korea
Friday, November 26, 2010