NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
Editor CNBNews is gathering information for our CHEERS AND JEERS column, which we plan to publish the first week of January. You don’t have to be from Gloucester City to submit your remarks. And your opinion can be on any topic or about any public figure. Today’s technology opens up the entire world, meaning you can target anything or any public figure for a Cheer or a Jeer. We reserve all rights to edit your submission. And we reserve the right not to publish it if we feel it is slanderous or libelous. Send your opinion to [email protected] or post it below as a comment. If you don't want your name published, please let us know. The author of the above quote was Edward Everett Hale, (April 3, 1822 – June 10, 1909) was an American author, historian, and Unitarian minister, best known for his writings such as "The Man...
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William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews Editor THE WEBERS Drive-In RESTAURANT on U.S. Rt 130, Brooklawn, has been demolished to make room for another marijuana business. WEBERS had the most delicious rootbeer which was served in frozen drinking mugs. It was built in the 1960s and was a favorite spot for teenagers who took their dates there after a dance or a movie. BROOKLAWN, NJ (MAY 16, 2024)(CNBNews)--According to Brooklawn Borough Administrator Ryan Giles, a company named 310 Crescent Blvd LLC bought the Webers property for $750,000. Giles said a Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing Complex will be built on the five-plus-acre site. They are also able to distribute and wholesale from the location. Giles said, "This is Class I, II, III, and IV licenses under the CRC. ***** WATERFRONT RESTAURANT IN BROOKLAWN AT A STANDSTILL When asked about the proposed waterfront restaurant being built by the Bogey Family on the...
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BALTIMORE, MD (March 27, 2024)(CNBNews)--Effective immediately, a safety zone is established for all navigable waters of the Chesapeake Bay within a 2,000-yard radius of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The 948-foot Singapore-flagged vessel DALI struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26, 2024. The safety zone is intended to protect personnel, vessels, and the marine environment in these navigable waters. No vessel or person will be permitted to enter the safety zone without obtaining permission from the Captain of the Port (COTP) or a designated representative. The COTP is currently issuing a Broadcast Notice to Mariners (BNM) via VHF-FM marine channel 16. Mariners are requested to monitor the VHF channel 16 for the latest information. To seek permission to enter, contact the COTP or the COTP’s representative by telephone at (410) 576–2525 or on Marine Band Radio VHF–FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). Those in the safety zone must comply...
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The metaverse, a digital space where virtual and physical worlds come together, has fascinated both tech enthusiasts and visionaries. As this digital environment grows, the idea of owning things within the metaverse is becoming a significant focus. We'll explore questions like how you can own a part of the metaverse and understand the role of cryptocurrency in this transformation. This blog post takes a closer look at the metaverse and its developing economy, emphasizing the crucial role played by crypto. What is the metaverse? The metaverse, a term used to describe a collective virtual shared space, brings together augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 3D internet technologies. In this expansive digital realm, users seamlessly interact with each other and a variety of digital assets, blurring the boundaries between what's virtual and what's real. Imagine the metaverse as a vast landscape where owning digital assets is much like possessing real-world...
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KUTZTOWN, PA (09/21/2023) Kutztown University's KU Presents! series is excited to bring singer/songwriter Jakob Dylan and his band, The Wallflowers, to Schaeffer Auditorium 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 27, as the first concert of its 2023-24 season. The son of Bob Dylan and model Sara Lownds, Jakob Dylan has forged his own path as a gifted musician, not only as the lead singer and primary songwriter for the band he founded in 1989, but as a solo performer and recording artist. The Wallflowers' breakthrough 1996 album, "Bring Down the Horse," produced the number-one single, "One Headlight," which won two Grammy Awards in 1998. Rolling Stone selected the song as "one of the greatest pop songs of all time." The Wallflowers went on to release a total of nine albums, most recently "Exit Wounds" (2021). Through the years, Dylan has periodically left the band to pursue his solo career, during which he...
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Dorothy Philbin l CNBNews Columnist Last week a robot was scrubbing the floor at SAM's Club in Deptford. Two of the employees were discussing how the robot was taking a job away from a human. Facebook is CNBNews graphic files covered with people complaining about self-checkouts at many stores. In Walmart there is usually one, maybe two, human-staffed aisles. Again, people are complaining about the loss of jobs. Robots and self-service shouldn't be a surprise. Everyone was excited about the minimum wage going up as high as $15.00 per hour in some locations. In New Jersey the minimum wage is currently $14.13 per hour and will reach $15.00 on January 1, 2024. A few years ago the minimum wage was $8.50 per hour, now it is almost double that. Something had to give and that something was human employees. The purpose of minimum wage originally was a training wage. In...
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William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNewsnet THE WILD SIDE OF GLOUCESTER CITY--Mother Nature is active in Gloucester City. People must slow down and sometimes watch what is happening right in front of them. Peyton and Me have had runs-in with wild turkeys, a fox, a beaver, geese, pheasants, a deer, a skunk, and most recently, a Red-tailed hawk. All that wildlife is living right in our little neighborhood of Riverview Heights. After taking a photo of the men working on Barnard Avenue, we walked along the railroad tracks towards Powell Street. Suddenly, the hawk in the photo came swarming down in front of us. We approached slowly, and as we got closer, we saw the bird fighting with something, using its claws. It appeared to be a squirrel. We kept moving closer, taking photos every few feet. When we got too near, the hawk flew away (right and above). We...
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(Trenton) – New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced ramp closures will continue nightly this week on Route 42 southbound at Leaf Avenue/Exit 14 as the I-295/Route 42 Missing Moves project advances in Bellmawr, Camden County. This is a continuation of work that began last week. Beginning at 10 p.m. tonight, Monday, June 20, until 5 a.m., tomorrow, Tuesday, June 21, and continuing each night through Friday, June 24, NJDOT’s contractor, South State Inc., is scheduled to close and detour the ramps from Leaf Avenue to Route 42 southbound and from Route 42 southbound to Leaf Avenue/Harding Avenue. The closures are necessary to continue placing steel beams. The following detours will be in place: Route 42 southbound Exit 14 ramp to Creek Road detour: Motorists traveling on Route 42 southbound wishing to take Exit 14 to Creek Road will be directed to continue on Route 42 southbound Take...
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CHAPTER 18 William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews IS ANOTHER GLOUCESTER CITY HISTORICAL BUILDING COMING DOWN?--Thursday, February 24, we talked with a contractor who was clearing out items from the Twin Bar, Broadway, and Market Street. Asked if the building was being demolished he said that he didn't know. That he was hired to empty the property. He apologized for blocking the sidewalk. Earlier in the month, we noticed a sign on the building stating the property was unfit/unsafe for habitat. The Twin Bar, the alleged home of Rock and Roll has been sitting empty for nearly a decade. Several years ago we reached out to a historical group that fixes up historical properties in the state of NJ to see if they would be interested in repairing this property which dates back to the 1940s. More recently we talked with Councilman Jim Johnson and asked why doesn't the city...
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Aside from the footage that you can easily access on the Internet, what do you know about rodeo? It's a sport that's deeply ingrained in the cultures of the United States and Mexico. Even in modern times, these performances are still in high demand. Rodeos are the ideal opportunity for many Americans to demonstrate their bravery and endurance. The next part of our article will explain what this interesting sport is and what its primary characteristics are. I hope we can persuade you to book your tickets for the next show at What exactly is a rodeo? The sport dates back to the first centuries of America. The Spaniards, or conquistadors, were the first to use a lasso to tame wild animals, particularly horses. To overcome a wild horse, you had to tie a rope around its neck and ride it for a while without falling down. Soon, cowboys...
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AIHI's Center of Excellence is a component within the Institute of Health Innovation GLASSBORO, NJ (July 16, 2021)-- As a pillar of Acenda's Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI), the Center of Excellence (COE) will address the social determinants of health with an emphasis on reduction in public health disparities and social inequities through research, teaching, learning, training, advocacy, as a part of integrated service delivery system within Acenda. "The Center of Excellence is an essential pillar in our Acenda Institute of Health Innovation," says Melissa Fox, MHA, FACMPE, FACHE, Acenda Chief Operating Officer. "The COE truly allows us to focus on helping those who need it most in our communities." AIHI's COE plans to partner with local, national, and even international leaders and academic institutions to create opportunities for those in need. This initiative will expand existing frameworks and create new ways to address the systemic issues that plague many...
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Missing Moves project advances in Camden County (Trenton) – New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced the Route 42 southbound ramps to and from Creek Road will be closed and detoured tonight as the Missing Moves project between I-295 and Route 42, advances in Bellmawr, Camden County. Beginning at 8 p.m. tonight, Tuesday, March 16, until 6 a.m. Wednesday, March 17, NJDOT’s contractor, South State, Inc., is scheduled to close the Route 42 southbound Exit 14 ramp to Creek Road and the ramp from Creek Road to Route 42 southbound. The closures are necessary to mill and pave the road. The following detours will be in place: Route 42 southbound Exit 14 ramp to Creek Road detour: Motorists traveling on Route 42 southbound wishing to take Exit 14 to Creek Road will be directed to continue on Route 42 southbound Take Exit 12/CR 544 to Route 41 –...
Read more → March 5, 2021 by Bridget Small Division of Consumer & Business Education, FTC If you used MoneyGram to send money to a scammer between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2017, you may get a pre-filled claim form in the mail soon. The claim forms, from claims administrator Gilardi & Co. LLC, are the first step in distributing money from the $125 million settlement with the FTC in 2018. In that case, the FTC and US Department of Justice (DOJ) charged that MoneyGram failed to meet agreements to crack down on consumer fraud involving money transfers. You must return the claim form within 90 days from the date on the form to be eligible for a refund. These prefilled claim forms show eligible dollar loss amounts that are based on fraud reports people filed with MoneyGram and law enforcement. If you get a form and agree with the dollar...
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In public comments Thursday, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said, “the reason I push it is that I truly believe it’s for the public health benefit of these kids.” The agency's final guidelines for reopening schools are still in flux after criticism from President Donald Trump. Friday, Jul 10 2020 ABC News: No Revisions To School Reopening Guidelines Despite Trump Demand, Just 'Additional Information': CDC Director The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday struggled to say what federal guidance might look like for the nation’s schools to reopen this fall, after the president said the current advice was too tough, President Donald Trump asserted without evidence his political opponents wanted them to remain shut, and Vice President Mike Pence promised a new approach next week. After for months saying decisions about reopening should be left to states, Trump and his administration...
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PART I: A Look at Gloucester City's Top Stories in 2019 Dave Pollander Jr., Owner of Dave's Auto Repair & Towing; Age 58 Monday, July 01, 2019 David F. Pollander, Jr. (GLOUCESTER CITY NJ )(July 1, 2019)--Surrounded by his loving family, on June 28, 2019. Age 58. Of Gloucester City. Beloved son of the late Dave and Marlene Pollander. Survived by his... Read more → What's Gloucester City Jr Sr High School’s Equity Rating? Thursday, July 04, 2019 To see the complete report for GHS click here Editor's Note: We reached out to Dr. Dennis Vespe, Gloucester City High School Superintendent and Sean Gorman, Gloucester City High School Principal for a response to... Read more → Meet the Congressman Defending Questionable Tax Breaks for a Company Connected to His Rich Brother Tuesday, July 02, 2019 After multiple issues have surfaced with Holtec International’s New Jersey tax break application, Rep. Donald...
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Do you need to borrow money from a bank or credit union? Whether it's a mortgage loan, a car loan, or a personal loan, you're definitely not the only one interested in filling out an application. The majority of Americans have taken out one (or more) of these loans, and much of the country is interested in borrowing more in the future. If this is your first time taking out a loan, you might be a bit anxious about the loan application process. Borrowing money can definitely be intimidating. If you know what to expect, though, you'll be less worried about moving forward. Read on to learn everything you need to know about the loan application process. Before You Apply for a Loan There's some preparation required before you apply for a loan. The following are some steps you'll need to take before you reach out to a bank or...
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By MARK MATTHEWS/ GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ --The third Royal Farms convenience store has opened in South Jersey, in Gloucester City. The location is on Rt 130 (South) where Market Street crosses over. Many remember this location as the Gloucester Inn or the Holiday Inn. They took over half of the property, demolishing two of the four hotel buildings in the process. The other two stores currently open are in Magnolia and Bellmawr. The East Greenwich store is set to open in 6 weeks (More on that to come). This short post includes a couple photos, and some general video commentary from me (Mark) on Royal Farms and convenience stores in the area. I may have actually talked more about the Philadelphia Flyers. 🙂 For those not aware, Royal Farms is a Convenience store and Gas station, very very similar to our Super Wawas. Both stores offer gas, food, drinks, snacks…...
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Two big changes taking place this weekend (Jan 10 - Jan 12) as part of the massive 295/42 road construction. One impacts this weekend, another is a temporary change that will last for years. Bell Road Weekend Evening Closures (Bellmawr to Mt Epraim): Evevings this weekend (January 10-12) the Bell Road bridge will be closed from 9pm to 6am, as workers install new sewer pipes. New access road from 42 north to 295 North Also because of the ongoing project centered in Bellmawr, a new ramp goes "live" this Sunday, connecting 42 north traffic to 295 north. It will take the traffic around the core construction area making it easier to rebuild those roadways. This detour is set to last for several years. Its important to understand this change because it seems to come much sooner than the original sharp turn to 295 north. It looks like it connects...
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By Mark Matthews I haven't posted in a while. Summer has been very busy for us, and we recently got back from a short 4 night trip to Disney World (which is just about the right amount of time). This is a ramnbling post. We have a wedding tonight, and making the last minute trip to the dry cleaners I noticed a few things around town I thought I'd write about... Green Olive, a new Bellmawr restaurant has opened, and the Wonder Bread store is down for the count. Oh, and a few other random thoughts, including the landfill. Update/Related: Wawa in-store fresh baked rolls come to Bellmawr Green Olive Pizzeria and Restaurant Entering into the crowded Pizza and Restaurant arena of Bellmawr, Green Olive has taken over the building which was previously the home of Bellmawr English Pizza. It's primarily a pizza and Italian entree place, but they...
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( the last 4 or 5 years, Cleary's Notebook has had several stories on the wild turkey population that has been taking over Gloucester, Brooklawn and other areas... and earlier in the year GCN reporter Anne Forline published an in depth article on the local turkeys. So how about one last photo from today of a young turkey family in Bellmawr along McClelland Ave? The adult and 5 young chicks have become regulars in the neighborhood. They've seemed to have found a safe home in a nearby natural area behind the homes which is basically untouched by humans. I noticed a Bellmawr group back in 2008 over at New St Mary's Cemetary on Browning Road, and about a year or so ago we started seeing a group of them consistently hanging around the Crescent Park neighborhood... frequently walking the streets of Romano, Chalmers, and McClelland Aves. It all connects to...
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By Mark Matthews A portion of the partnership which owns Brooklawn's Metro Diner is branching out into Gloucester Township. Remodeling is under way at the long closed Charlie Brown's Steakhouse building, located near Camden County College. The new location will be called Lamp Post Diner, and a family restaurant is a primary focus. Update: I spoke to Paul at the Metro Diner today (7/27/2013) to clarify the ownership of the new Blackwood location. While Paul is part of a partnership which owns The Metro diner... that same full group of partners are not opening up the Lamp Post Diner in Blackwood. Paul, who is a very familiar friendly face at the Brooklawn location, is taking on the Lamp Post Diner project outside of the Metro Diner partnership. So while there is a connection between the new Lamp Post Diner and the Metro diner, that does not extend into the...
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By Mark Matthews BELLMAWR NJ- Bellmawr's largest building, the former Harcourt book distribution center was recently sold, and indications are it will see new life as the home to Amoroso's Bakery... one of Philadelphia's most beloved signature companies. (see video below) UPDATE:'s Joe DiStefano has been in contact with bakery boss Len Amoroso who says "A real estate partnership, which we are part of, bought that [Bellmawr] building....". But Len then goes on to say "But we have not made any decisions yet". Head over to Joe DiStefano's PhillyDeals blog for more comments. Could this be a big play in the "which state is going to give me the best offer" gambit? A real estate partnership, which we are part of, bought that [Bellmawr] building Read more at A real estate partnership, which we are part of, bought that [Bellmawr] building Read more at CoStar group...
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By Mark Matthews Mt Ephraim NJ - This week the Fantasy Showbar building was demolished to make room for a new Taco Bell. Even if you've never set foot in the building, everyone in the area knew of the Fantasy Showbar. Its large and somewhat graphically worded front roadside sign made it very clear what was going on inside. Some, like me, remember when it was originally a Thom McCann shoe store. But what many don't realize, is it was also the battleground for a legal case that made its way to the Supreme Court in 1981. Considering only about 80 cases are heard by the Supreme Court, and another 50 are decided without hearing arguments... it's amazing that this small town case made it so far. As reported last year in the Gloucester City News, and posted here at Cleary's Notebook, the property is to become a Taco Bell...
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By Mark Matthews BELLMAWR NJ --It looks as though the Browning Rd sidewalk and lighting improvements are complete. Lighting has been installed and is operational, and the town is already proudly displaying banners from the recently installed vintage styled lamp posts. The improvements include new sidewalks, benches, waste recepticles, lamp posts, grass, plants, and attractive retaining walls where the ground rises up higher than the sidewalks. The work and craftsmanship is of very high quality, which can be seen in the the block walls, sidewalk... the whole project. Plus the lamp fixtures have that vintage 1800s small town look. The top of the lamps even have a "B" monogram! The sidewalk runs the length of the cemetary, and the lighting and banners continue down to the Senior Center. It all started years ago when the fence at New St Mary's Cemetary was pushed backed several feet, and included the planting...
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BY MARK MATTHEWS CNBNEWS.NET Updated July 7th at end of story I remember decades ago, going up to the Bellmawr recreation center to watch the fireworks. We'd bring a blanket, sit in the outfield of the ball field closest to the water tower... and have a great view of the fireworks that were fired along the back fence of the property. I can't remember when Bellmawr stopped sponsoring them. I have memories of being there as a young kid.. but can't quite remember if they were around for my own kids in the 90s. So I ask this quesion... 100% my own thoughts... Would the Bellmawr's residents support spending money on Fireworks again? Or is there enough interest that people would band together to raise the money to pay for it, as they did this year in Woodbury NJ? This thought first popped into my head when I heard fireworks...
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Odd day for weather today. Watching the Phillies game on TV and see it was delayed because of torrential rain, while 5 miles away in Bellmawr I look out my window and the sun was shining. Later in the day, around 7:05 on Sunday night we caught this... Then around 8:20, sitting on the back deck... there was one patch of orange sky.
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Runnemede Lake (C) Google Maps is reporting that a small lake in Runnemede is being investigated by state biologists to determine the cause of 300-500 dead carp floating in the water. The small lake is located off of Singley Ave, not too far from the Deptford border. Any number of dead fish is cause for alarm, but considering the small size of this lake its of even higher interest.
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Mark Matthews CNBNews Last month Philadelphia and the skater community completed a 10 yr effort to do something amazing. Something that works. Something that made me think "wow, how does this happen?". An awesome new skatepark... one like you've never seen before... opened in the city in a location that is as perfect as the park design itself. And its completely free. Ask anyone where the best skateboard locations were to be found, and most would probably say California. But if you had to pick an East Coast King, there is no doubt it is Philadelphia. Two locations became world famous decades ago, Love park and its at times taken over by skaters concrete walls, and FDR Park... the skater built, city seems to look the other way, organically grown park that really is one of a kind. So famous are these two gems, that the best selling Tony Hawk...
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Mark Matthews The Bellmawr Park Housing division was originally developed by the US Government as a means to house the defense workers needed to build ships in nearby Camden. Because of the uncertainty of how long people would be there working, the units were built small. According to wikipedia, eight of these communities were built in the short 2 year project... and the all turned into private ownership, with the Bellmawr location converting last in 1952. Here are series of amazing photographs taken around October 1942, around the opening of Bellmawr Park, which at the time featured a day care center! I've known about these pictures for several years. Never posted because my intent was to take the "today" pictures and match them up.. but I haven't gotten around to it and I feel motivated today. The pictures are in the Library of Congress website, taken by two photographers...
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UPDATE: Grand opening is Friday June 14th. Website The shortest post ever... drove by the new bar / restaraunt on Rt 130 and noticed the signs are up. The Hog and Bull must be getting close to opening. I saw an SUV out front when I first passed, but I was late for an appointment and couldn't stop. When I came back an hour or so later, they were gone. Not really any clues to indicate a major construction. I am hoping the large stage that O'Malleys had a few years ago has still survived. Most recently it was called D'Place and the Facebook photo seem to show that the stage is still there, as well as the large center bar. Its a big place! So "Hog and Bull".... Country Bar? Biker Friendly Bar? BBQ place?? What's your guess, or do you know? LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW US...
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Bellmawr native Jason Nark has won 5 awards from the New Jersey chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, as reported at Jason is a Daily News reporter (previously with the Courier-Post) and is currently living in Blackwood... ...but he was raised in Bellmawr, NJ! The article goes on to say that Jason's 5 awards included two first-place prizes. Jason grew up in Bellmawr, attending Annunciation School, and then Gloucester Catholic. He went on to Rutgers for his bachelor's degree and the University of Penn for his Masters. Very impressive for anyone... and even more awesome when it's a Bellmawr guy! Jason started his working career in Bellmawr at the Bellmawr English Pizza, which he recently commented "got paid to fold boxes there when I was 10". He had a brief stint at Sneakin' In, and was a life-guard at Hyde Park Apartments. Who knew that those early careers...
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The cold and rain has given way to a beautiful Memorial Day in Brooklawn NJ. Each year the town of Brooklawn and the American Legion Post 72 put together a touching ceremony to honor those who served for our country, and who gave the ultimate sacrifice in support of our freedoms. Several touching speeches were given, and in the audience was Assemblyman Angel Fuentes. A few pictures are in this post, but head over to Facebook to see more (70 total). God Bless America and those who serve for us and our freedoms! Enjoy the beautiful day with family, friends, and loved ones. And before you take that first bite of your hot dog... take a moment to thank those who serve in our Armed Forces. Children learn by their parent's example, and this is a valuable lesson they should learn Facebook Photos "Like" us on Facebook
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BY MARK MATTHEWS ( NJ--There is still time for fun at the St Joachim Bellmawr carnival, as this weekend closes out an amazing week with fun, sun and music. This weekend, area cover band Stage 3 takes over the beer garden again, bringing with them their full stage production. They bill themselves as a "Rock and Roll Party Dance Band", and their set list backs that up, from AC/DC's Shook me all Night Long to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. Two days of excitement left, but Friday night looks like the "go to" night as the temperature is set to hit 83 and stay sunny all day! Get to the carnival early to grab your spot in the beer garden, which is located around the side and back of the Annunciation School building. The location is perfect as it is in the carnival, without being IN the carnival, if that makes...
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CNBNews Mark Matthews The first trailer for a new major movie set in Ocean City, NJ has been released. The trailer also shows a scene taking place in Atlantic City. Unfortunately media sites indicate the film was shot in New York. Are State Tax Credits to blame? Kristen Wiig scored huge with Bridesmaids, and this summer she is back in a romantic comedy called "Girl Most Likely" co-starring Glee's Darren Criss and also featuring well known actors Annette Bening and Matt Dillon. I make this assessment only from viewing the trailer, but the movie seems to have a clear common theme with another movie set in this area "Silver Lining Playbook". Both have the storyline of "Adult child needs to live back at home after suffering mental lapses". Unfortunately, one thing that may also be in common to both movies, is that while they have roots in New Jersey, neither...
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by Mark Matthews BELLMAWR NJ--A yearly tradition going back to since when I was a kid, Bellmawr's St Joachim (Annunciation) Parish carnival starts Monday May 6th, and continues through Saturday May 11th. The carnival is located directly on the parish grounds, 601 West Browning Road in Bellmawr, NJ. Tuesday and Wednesday are listed as Family nights. Following the "If it works, why mess with it?" philosophy, this year's carnival again features exciting rides, games, delicious food and snacks... and the legendary Bellmawr beer garden! Friday and Saturday night brings back area cover band, Stage 3. More than just musicians, they are true entertainers and really put on a great show. I stopped over on Sunday afternoon and took a few pics of the set-up. From the Parish Website: Please join us from May 6th through May 11th for our Annual Parish Carnival! Wrist bands are currently on sale at...
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Al Jo's Curve 295 (c) Google Maps As reported in the South Jersey Times, State transportation officials have announced that a major traffic pattern shift on the Interstate 295 southbound Al-Jo Curve ramp under Interstate 76 is expected to be implemented this weekend as part of the Direct Connection project in Bellmawr and Mt. Ephraim Beginning Friday night, contractor PKF Mark III plans to shift both travel lanes on the ramp to the outside, up against the existing curb line. The shift - which will require overnight lane closures and will be fully in place Saturday morning Full article and additional details available at the South Jersey Times Related articles Two I-295 crashes in South Jersey cause traffic delays Al-Jo Curve at I-76/Route 42 interchange to be CLOSED OVERNIGHT! Ground broken for $900 million I-295 project TRAVEL ALERT: Interstate 295 southbound traffic shift planned on Al-Jo Curve
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More than four miles of deteriorated pavement to be improved (Trenton) - The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) today announced a project to resurface more than four miles of Route 30 (White Horse Pike) in both directions from the vicinity of London Avenue in Berlin Borough to just west of Brand Avenue in Lindenwold, Camden County. NJDOT’s contractor, South State, Inc., is scheduled to start preliminary construction activities including site mobilization and sign installation this week, requiring shoulder closures. The $2.6 million project will resurface Route 30 in both directions with a new surface course of asphalt pavement. The project will improve motorist safety and extend the pavement lifespan along the full width of the roadway at each location, including all travel lanes, turn lanes, shoulders and median openings. Upgraded roadway striping and ADA-compliant curb ramp upgrades will also be provided as needed. New image detection cameras will be...
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BY MARK MATTHEWS ( week's Gloucester City News is out, and it brings a few surprises! The most notable being, this issue brings us full-color on 4 pages (front/back/Interior). Well, at least I never noticed it being full color print before. I imagine this is in part due to the recent move to a new printer. Another ongoing surprise, is that each week the Gloucester City News seems to be adding more content, and more authors. Anne Forline of Bellmawr has become a prominent reporter, doing an awesome job covering local town meetings and general community interest stories for all of the GCN region. Something else I just noticed this week, is a Council meeting summary from Runnemede... expanding the reach into other communities. Some of this week's key stories are: Gloucester City Middle School Construction plans outlined by Superintendent Joe Rafferty Gloucester City BOE establishes limits on students going...
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Carmen's Cheesesteak. Image (C) blog (CNBNews)--The South Jersey Times newspaper has been conducting a contest to find the best cheesteaks in South Jersey. Their approach is to use a reader poll to identify the 2 best sandwiches in 5 regions, and then visit each location for the final showdown. Two very local restaraunts are in the finals representing the Camden/Burlington County region. Gaetano's in Brooklawn, NJ Carmen's Deli in Bellmawr, NJ Carmen's Deli, which originally established its reputation with amazing hoagies, has come on strong in the Cheesesteak category since adding them years ago (sometime after I was a kid, but not too recently!). Their website mentions 25 overall awards, but one of the most notable awards was when the Food Network's Aaron McCargo (Big Daddy's House) appeared on one of their "Best things I ever ate" segments and chose Bellmawr's Carmen's Deli cheesesteaks as the best thing between...
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Bellmawr's Sauter Park on Park Drive in the Crescent Park section of town is in the final stages of having new playground equipment installed. Thanks in part to a grant from the Camden County Freeholders plus the hard work of Bellmawr's employees, the project includes tough timber borders, rubber mulch, new climbing equipment, and is positioned to reuse the existing swing frames. On a visit today (4/20/2013) the only things that seemed to remain are putting the swings in place, and some surrounding landscape work. Saturday turned out to be a beautiful spring day, and many young families and children were already out taking full advantage of the new playground equipment. Like most pubic gathering places, Sauter Park has experienced some night time vandalism over the years, so also coming this spring are police monitored security cameras, some of which will be placed in the Sauter Park area to keep...
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As previously reported on the Bellmawr Police Facebook page, a burglary suspect was apprehended early morning of 4/10. Mt Ephraim and other departments provided assistance in securing the neighborhood perimiter, and searching for the suspect. The Bellmawr Police have updated their Facebook post to include the following additional information: Update: Suspect information. Name: Lee M. Beckett 29 y.o. male Runnemede, NJ To date there have been 15 victims identified and charges of burglary (to a vehicle(s)) and theft have been filed. The suspect remains in Camden County Correctional Facility on $30,500.00 bail. The full Bellmawr Police post is available here. If you are a Facebook user, consider "liking" the Bellmawr Police page as they do a great job of using this platform to keep residents informed.
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BY MARK MATTHEWS While we didn't see much snow this winter, the cold weather seemed to hang around a little too long this year. Now that weather has finally gotten warmer, we are all happy to see the start of new life... Birds are chirping, grass is greener, flowers are blooming and we have the first swings of Little League bats this season. And this year spring brings us something very new to the Bellmawr Little League fields on Essex Ave... Our first signs of the start of the long awaited "Direct Connection" project, which as you should know, will redesign the crossroads of 295/76/42, including taking a lot of the curve out of the Al-Jo's curve in Mt Ephraim. What originally was a wooded backdrop to the Little League fields, has been cleared out straight to the highway. Workers are moving quickly to install a taller fence separating...
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SS United States - Image Public Domain Wikipedia BY MARK MATTHEWS If you've been to the Ikea in South Philadelphia, next to the Walt Whitman Bridge, you've definitely noticed the SS United States docked directly across from the shopping center. On its maiden voyage in 1952, it broke speed records for crossing the Atlantic Ocean.. records which stills stand today. It's been sitting at the dock for 17 years, at a cost of $80,000 per MONTH, waiting for a grander plan to form. Now its getting too costly to keep. According to a new article, the scrap heap looms very soon... Two months, to be specific. If you google the ship, you'll find a LOT of articles and publicity on the ship over the years, most in the last few years include the doomsday scrap scenario. Many people seem to want to save it, but no one can...
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Route 168 bridge deck replacement over I-295 nearing completion in Camden County NJDOT to restore highway to normal lane configuration this weekend. (Black Horse Pike) (Trenton) - NJDOT officials today announced that the Route 168 bridge deck over Interstate 295 - located at the borders of Bellmawr, Haddon Heights and Mount Ephraim in Camden County - has been reconstructed and is scheduled to be fully reopened to traffic in the normal four-lane configuration this weekend. Full Press Release at NJDOT
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BELLMAWR NJ--There was an overturned tractor trailer on Rt. 76 at exit 1B (Rt. 295 NB) causing extreme traffic delays in the area earlier this evening. Traffic is back to normal at this hour. Bellmawr police issued the following warning four hours ago on their Facebook page... Congestion has moved rush hour traffic onto the local roadways so please plan to be met with heavy volume if traveling in the immediate area. Pedestrian traffic is also unusually high in the area of the W. Browning Rd. overpass. Please watch for people crossing the roadway. All Rt. 42 north traffic must either take the express lanes to the left of the Rt. 76 split or you will be forced onto Rt. 295 north bound at exit 1B. All other north bound lanes are blocked by the overturned vehicle. There is also a large amount of emergency personnel and utility workers both...
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The Philadelphia Inquirer has a report this morning regarding the untimely delivery of sample ballets for the Bellmawr School Roof Referendum vote. I can confirm that yesterday when I voted, I had gone from work straight to the voting location, and when I got home I was amused and confused to see my sample ballot had arrived the same day as the vote... in effect AFTER I had voted. I'll be the guy to say it.... Could this delay have affected the vote outcome? The ballots which were dropped off at the Bellmawr Post Office (SJ Regional Center), and primarily needed to be delivered to the same town of Bellmawr... took a week to deliver after going on a tour of New Jersey. The Inquirer article does a good job of tracking down what happened to the ballots, which included an 80 mile trip to Newark NJ and then to...
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Bell Oaks School (School District PDF) The Courier-Post is reporting that Bellmawr voters "easily" passed the $3.1 million dollar referendum to put new roofs on the three School district buildings. Beyond the more obvious "we don't want water leaking into the buildings", School officials and Board members have been touting energy efficiencies, and solar-panel opportunities. The short piece in the Courier also quotes School Board President Bruce Darrow as saying "The project will be completed without any impact in taxes"... but isn't Bruce Darrow the Brooklawn School District President, and not Bellmawr? Read more at the Courier Post
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BY MARK MATTHEWS CNBNEWS.NET The special vote on replacing the Bellmawr Schools roofs is today, Tuesday March 12, 2013. According to the school district, the total cost of the project(s) is $3,093,750 and the average tax impact is $22.54 The School District Website offers the following voter information: VOTE REMINDER 3/12/2013 3/12/2013, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Please remember to vote, Tuesday March 12 in the roof referendum. The polls are open from 5-9. Voting places • DISTRICTS 1 & 7 ARE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER ON BROWNING ROAD • DISTRICTS 2 &3 ARE AT THE VFW 7410 ACROSS THE STREET FROM BURKE • DISTRICTS 4,5,& 6 ARE AT THE MUTUAL HOUSING AUTHORITY ON ESSEX AVENUE I've grabbed a few links of interest: Roof Referendum Web Page Includes Architect's description (School District Website) Superintendent's message on the need for the roof replacements. (School District website) Fast Facts Newsletter (Link is...
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BREAKING NEWS Sitting in the Deptford Pizzeria UNOs for a late dinner on Wednesday Night (great gluten free pizza!), and the power went out. Everywhere we could see. The hotels next door. Up the road. And not just a blip, but we were there a good 20 minutes in the dark before putting together the money we needed to get out even while the cash registers were down. I've never really experienced an outage like this on a clear day. Hopefully this is not the result of an accident, and everyone is safe. Twitter users are commenting that it extends thorough the Target shopping center, and up into Runnemede. One twitter user posted their address in Runnemede, which puts them over by the Turnpike Entrance near Bellmawr... at least a mile away and assuming its a contiguous power outage, a lot of homes are in the path. Related articles Meandering...
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View from Annunciation Church The information center session will be held at: Bellmawr Ballroom 29 Lewis Ave Bellmawr NJ 08031 Thursday Feb 21, 5pm to 8pm You can visit at a time that is convenient to you as this is an informal information center. You will be able to review exhibits of the project, and ask questions of NJDOT representatives and designers. From the NJ.Com article: “This is a major multi-year project that will have a substantial impact on Camden County motorists and several municipalities,” said Freeholder Ian Leonard, liaison the Camden County Department of Public Works. “It is important for county residents to be aware of how this construction will affect their commute and their communities. ”"Besides the Pulaski Skyway, I can't think of a larger project in the DOT's history," said NJDOT spokesman Timothy Greeley. Official NJDOT release (PDF File) Chosen option and Simulated Photos NJ.Com Article West...
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