NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
~Clarence Darrow
To Whom It May Concern, I don’t know who does the nicknames in the paper, I know almost every nickname. How on earth could whoever wrote them forget the most obvious one of all. Steve “Bangs” Bangle, what is the world coming to! LOL Thanks sincerely, Joe “The Hemanator” Herman Mayor of Caps PS: Let's Not forget, Bill "Beaky" Rettig, and Frank "Tuna" Krueger Related articles by Zemanta More Gloucester City Nicknames/Remember when
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Note: A series of articles about the history of the Gloucester Catholic vs. Gloucester High football games was published in a booklet released in 1993 entitled "The Renewal of Friendship”. This great history of the series was put together my members of the Gloucester High Alumni Association. Unfortunately I don’t have the entire book. But over the next couple of weeks leading up to this year’s game on Thanksgiving Day I will post the articles and photo pages that are in my possession. Artist drawing on booklet cover by Todd Whitten ~ Bill Cleary Rams Win City Series Beat Gloucester...
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By Bill Yeager You asked me about the Gloucester Diner and I have been thinking about it. I will tell you what I remember about the Gloucester Diner and the other places we would hang out back in the day. Photo:Although this is not the Gloucester Diner this is what it looked like in the 1950's There were originally two (2) Gloucester City Diners (I think). The first one was like an old trolley car or railroad car across from the Twin Bar between Market and Powell Streets. Kings Drug store was on Market Street across from the Twin Bar....
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my name is bill (eggball, eggs) avery and I remember: tom (wilt) wiltsey stan (moonie) greco ed (mc cobb) mc colligan jim (pudgie) king frank (rocky) nelson albert (fats) hodson sam (gloucester fats) chew jim (stickman) mc genagle bill (butch) eppright bill (turk) green bill (razor) vireck harry (flashlight) shetland conrad (shadrack) hirst charley (chazz or jed) hirst raymond (hap) elliot frank (snipe) schools franny (hot house) bernard (bucky) barron (jiggie) wertz Related: Nicknames, Do you Remember?
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I am one of the "geezers" who attends the monthly Breakfast Club meeting at the Dining Car Depot on the last Saturday of every month. It is the one day of the month that I have to reconnect with my boyhood friends from Gloucester City. I was a lifelong resident of Gloucester City. I am 70 years old and prior to moving from Gloucester I owned two businesses and owned various real estate, "apartments" and homes in the city. Photo: Bill Yeager, right and Joe Miller at the April Breakfast Club meeting When I retired I bought a little farm...
Read more → Then, an advertisement in Friday's Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News suggested flying from Philadelphia to Denver for $1.90 per pound -- roundtrip fare based on total weight of passenger and passenger luggage. The Web site calls Derrie-Air the world's first carbon-neutral airline. It talks about how the airline will plant trees to absorb the carbon released by their planes. The site also gives price quotes based on weight from Philadelphia to a variety of destinations, including $1.40 for every pound to Chicago, and $2.25-a-pound to Los Angeles. continue
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photo by Daisy D Reminder! Breakfast Club meeting this Saturday, May 31 starting at 9 PM, Dining Car Depot, Monmouth and Railroad. “The Geezers” from left, Joe Boulden, Jim Coppola, Bill Graves, Bob Bevan, John Rowand, Harry Blymer, John Hindsley. Related: Breakfast Club
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Daisy Daily (I'm sure is a pseudo name) should find another job. Newspaper reporting is not for her. After the ridiculous article ""Breakfast Club Thrown A Curve, Ends Up At Brunic's ." I'm also concerned about ClearysNoteBook as well. Up to this point I thought it was an excellent addition to the NEWS. The Dining Car Depot is one of my favorite restaurants, and Mustafa and his wife are wonderful, hard-working young adults. They have worked diligently to make this restaurant work-Mustafa is the owner, cook, janitor, server and whatever else he has to make his business friendly, comfortable and...
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A CLARIFICATION Regarding the column in the May 8, 2008 issue of the Gloucester City News with the heading, Breakfast Club Thrown a Curve It has come to my attention that the owner of the Dining Car Depot along with some other people believe the story was factual. To clear up any misunderstanding let me begin by saying Daisy Daily the author of the column is actually yours truly. Yes I am coming out. I will admit that I have written other columns using that pen name. And Daisy will no longer be writing for ClearysNoteBook ( Let me further...
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Writted By Daisy Daily CNB Gossip Columnist May 8 issue of GCN I was sad to hear this article was misconstrued by some readers. The story was simply written to entertain and my friend, Bill Cleary, a very gifted and talented writer, had no intention to defame the good name or reputation of The Dining Car Depot. Couldn't the readers see by the pen name Daisy Daily the story was done as a satire? Each month, a men's breakfast club enjoys the food and hospitality given them by The Dining Car Depot and fully intends to return. I for one...
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By Daisy Daily CNB Gossip Columnist NOTE from Bill: The following article is NOT TRUE, it is a fictitious story. The Gloucester City Breakfast Club was thrown a "curve" this past Saturday morning finding out when they arrived at the Dining Car Depot that their favorite restaurant was closed. The sign on the restaurant door read, "New Baby, will Re-Open on Tuesday, April 29". The organization has been meeting at the restaurant for over a year, the last Saturday of each month at 9 AM. Photo El Presidente Chalie Now this is where the story gets interesting. I have an...
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The January Breakfast Club had a great turnout. The monthly gathering met today January 26, at the Dining Car Depot in Gloucester City. Some of those in attendance included: from left, Joe Boulden, Jim Coppolla, Bill 'The Buck' Graves, wearing his 1962 GHS sweater, Bob Bevan, John Rowand, Harry Blymer and John Hindsley. Also present: Harry Walker, Joe Raube, Jack McDade, Bud Ritchie, Walt Hall, Bill Ritchie, Ed Simila, Chalie Pitzo, Frank Grandizio, Joe Miller, Butch Shaffer, Bud Wrigley, Joe O'Donnell, Bob Sliwa, Ron Raube, Carl Davis, and Jim McGee (the 50-50 winner). Also, Len Lacavara, Frank DiFelice, Joe DiGiacomo,...
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Hello Bill, I just wanted to say, thanks for your great website. I sat here for the last few hours reviewing all sub category titles. I discovered your site when my sister sent me a picture of me and my two brothers with Torch, Shaffer, and Hall together at the Ray Ford's Old Timers held in October at the Gloucester Hts. Fire Hall. Terry lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I reside at Churchville, Maryland east of Baltimore. I grew up on Oxford Ave. in the 'Heights'. After 39 years working for the Federal Government I just stayed here. The 'Old-timers''...
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Memories from the Past-The photo was taken in the 1950's. It was submitted by Bill Gross. How many can you name? ......some I can reconize are kneeling left side, BoBevan, Chipper Miller, Albie Brandt, Geo Strobel, Matt Mullin, Tom Reade, John Lang, Bart Rettew, Ed Hubbs, Bud Ross, Toby Frymire, Joe Battersby, Butch Shaffer.... Below is one side of the photo that was enlarged.
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The Gloucester City Breakfast Club met on Saturday, September 29 at the Dining Car Depot, Monmouth Street and railroad. Winner of 50-50, Walt Hall, $72. September treasury report $216. Vote for moving: Yes 13 N0 15 (the no's have it). Vote for charity donation: Yes 11, No 12 (the no's win). Five people didn't vote. Total members present, 28. Photo: sitting, from left, Bob Sliwa, Ed Simila, Earl Kaighn, Bill Gross, Joe Miller, Pete Coppola, Frank "Reds" Grandizio, Jim Coppola, and Stu Reckard. Standing from left, Ed Hubbs, Walt Hall, George Cleary, Butch Shaffer, Bob Bevan, Frank DiFelice, Bill "Wibby"...
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Meeting Saturday Sept.29th at 9 Dining Car Depot Monmouth & Railroad, Gloucester City see all Breakfast Club stories
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Bill's Point of View .....................category Bills Point of View The old Sports Corner Bar, at 4th and Jersey Avenue, Gloucester City is being demolished to make way for a restaurant. The bar has been closed for nearly 20 years and soon the building will be non-existent. JK Venture Enterprises, LLC, the current property owners, have been working diligently to demolish and clean up the site in order to get it ready for their newest endeavor. A family style restaurant. JK Venture is a UEZ business trading as Tavern on the Edge. Recently approved at the June Gloucester City Planning/Zoning Board...
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CATEGORY AROUND TOWN The Gloucester City Breakfast Club will meet Saturday, August 25th at 9 PM at the Dining Car Depot, Monmouth Street and the Railroad, Gloucester City. To be a member you must be a male, cross dressers are okay, and you must eat breakfast. The final requirement is being able to laugh. Those who attended the July meeting included: John Hindsley, Bill (Wimby) Yeager, Bob Sliwa, Bob Bevan, Harry Blymer, Earl Kaighn, Bill Cleary, Gary Marcucci, Len Lacovara, Chalie Tourtual, Bob Bevan, Walt Hall, Bob Cline, Joe DiGiacomo, Tom Choo Choo Murphy and Ron Raube. Also, Jim Coppola,...
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The Gloucester City Breakfast Club met on Saturday July 28 at the Dining Car Depot. The club held its first official 50-50 Drawing using a roll of number tickets. In the past your number was written on a little tag or your name was written on the back of a dollar bill. But there was still problems with this simplified new method on Saturday. You have to understand some of these individuals only get out on weekends. Anyway on Saturday one member, who will remain anonymous, didn't know he was suppose to keep one ticket and throw the other in...
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The Breakfast Club changes meeting Date; officially the last Saturday of the month 9 AM The male alumni from Tucker's Corner, Powell's, Pine House, Augie's Pool Room, Gords, Cerrone's Luncheonette, The Venice, Crown Point, Dick Lees, Wayne's Log Cabin, Sand Bar, Sports Corner etc. get together each month for what else, breakfast. NOTE: a change has been made the group will now meet the last Saturday of the month beginning in July. The time has also been changed to 9 AM. The next meeting will be July 28th at the Dining Car Depot, Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Present at the...
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The male alumni from Tucker's Corner, Powell's, Pine House, Augie's Pool Room, Gords, Cerrone's Luncheonette, The Venice, Crown Point, Dick Lees, Wayne's Log Cabin, Sand Bar, Sports Corner etc. get together for breakfast each month for breakfast. NOTE: a change has been made the group will now meet the last Saturday of the month beginning in July. The time has also been changed to 9 AM. The next meeting will be July 28th at the Dining Car Depot, Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Present at the June 23rd meeting: Bill Cleary, Geoge Cleary, Bill Yeager, Bill Ritchie, Bill Gross, Bob Bevan,...
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The meeting of the Gloucester City Breakfast Club was held Saturday, April 28 at the Train Station. Guests were Tom "ChooChoo" Murphy, Bill "Wibby" Yeager, Walt Hall. Members present, Bill and George Cleary, Harry and Jim Blymer, Jim Coppola, Joe DiGiacomo, John Hindsley, Joe Miller, Chalie Pitzo, Ron Villanova, Jack Persichette, Ron Raube, Harry Walker. Winner of the 50-50 Coppola. By the way he was in charge of the numbers bucket; not to say there was anything wrong but..... ! The Club meets the fourth Saturday of each month at the Train Station, 9:30 PM. All are welcome. Next meeting...
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Gloucester City Breakfast Club met today Saturday, (photo album is posted in the left col) from left, Butch, Ron, Lannie, Harry Blymer, Chip Miller, Chalie Pitzo, Reds, Harry Walker, Frank DeFelice, Jack and Mike Bowe, John Rowand, Ron Villanova, Geo Cleary, Joe DiGiacomo, Jack Persichetti, Bill Gross, Joe Boulden, Jim Blymer, Gary Marcucci, Gary Gross, Mike Greene...
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Skip Grandizio, Army Veteran, Iron Worker, Past City Resident; Services This Friday in Clayton By William E. Cleary John A “Skip” Grandizio, of Franklinville died suddenly on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 in Kennedy Hospital, Washington Township at the age of 65. Nine weeks ago Skip, a diabetic, got an infection in his foot, and was taken to the hospital for treatment. He was in the hospital when his illness took a turn for the worst; and he passed away. “My brother Skip was a cut-up," said Frank “Reds” Grandizio. "He loved to joke around. He had a quick wit. Skip...
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The Breakfast Club The photo was taken at the first meeting of the Breakfast Club several months ago. Pictured: from left, Skip Grandizio, Jack Persichette, Charlie Tourtural, Butch Schaeffer, Chal Pitzo, Geo Cleary, Lannie Letzgus, Harry Walker, Sam Chew, Harry Blymer, Bill Cleary, Ron Raube, Joe Miller, Joe DiGiacomo, Al DiGiacomo, Stu Reckard.... The monthly get together is for male alumni of friends from the 50's and 60's that hung out at Tuckers Corner, Powells, Gords, The Pool Room, Pine House, Cerrone's, The Venice, Sand Bar, Sports Corner, Essex House, Crown Point. The group meets for breakfast the fourth Saturday...
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