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515 posts categorized " Artist Dave Wolfe" Feed

“Stache,” Delivers a Hometown Victory Thanksgiving Day

Oaks/Valley Forge, PA (November 23, 2023) – A proud and confident Sealyham Terrier, “Stache,” delivered a hometown victory Thanksgiving Day, winning Best In Show at Philadelphia’s prestigious National Dog Show Presented by Purina, with a capacity crowd and total audience of some 20 million holiday television viewers looking on. The #2-ranked Terrier and #12-ranked All-Breed show dog in America, “Stache” is from a legendary line of dogs that includes his grandfather “Charmin,” winner of the World Dog Show, the AKC National Championship, and Crufts, the famed Birmingham, England competition where he bested 22,000 dogs in 2008. Margery Good of Cochranville,... Read more →