NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Rowan Women's Basketball Rolls Over Ramapo, 73-44
Coast Guard, Partners Responding To Aground Cargo Ship In Philadelphia

Wanted: Suspect for Commercial Burglary in the 9th District [VIDEO]

BurglaryCentral Detective Division is seeking the public’s help identifying the individual seen in the following video clips.

On January 11, 2025, at approximately 1:04AM, the suspect forced entry into the St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church at 21 S 13th St by breaking a stained-glass window and stealing a gold
crown adorned with gems from the head of a Mary statue inside the Church.

If you have any information about this crime or this suspect, please contact:
Central Detective Division:
Det. Winward
DC 24-09-004387
