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Want to Improve Your Mood After the Holiday Letdown?

Get Right with Your Gut!


Newswise — With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season ending, it’s not unusual to feel a little down after the holidays. There are many things we can do to improve our mood, including exercise, getting fresh air, and getting a full night's sleep. But getting right with your gut is an important step in lifting the post-holiday blues, according to Jennifer Wegmann, health and wellness studies lecturer at Binghamton University, State University of New York. 

"Living inside your gut is a unique, specialized environment of bacteria called your gut microbiome. These bacteria keep us healthy," said Wegmann. "This microbiome is multifaceted and involves multiple body functions, including digestion, keeping our immune system robust, and brain functioning. Your brain and gut microbiome have a sophisticated communication system; when your gut environment is off, it can impact your mood. Recent research has suggested that there may be a link between the health of our microbiome and mood, including symptoms of anxiety and depression.

"Undoubtedly, your holiday diet was full of delicious desserts. These ultra-processed sugar-laden foods may have caused an imbalance in your gut microbiome, contributing to mood changes. 

"Science is just beginning to scratch the surface of understanding the profound impacts of our gut microbiome and the impacts of our diet. However, evidence sheds light on the power we hold by the foods we choose to create a healthy environment in our gut."

To get right with your gut, you can:

  • Reduce your consumption of sugary processed foods. 
    • Take a break from the cookies, hot chocolate, and sodas. 
  • Start including more fiber-rich foods. Our healthy bacteria love fiber. Try including some whole grains. 
    • You can try whole-grain cereals for breakfast. Steel-cut oats are a great option. 
    • Switch out your white bread for a whole-grain version.
    • Add beans to your salads, dips, and sauces. 
    • Try a new food: Brussel sprouts, kale, spinach, brown rice 
  • You can also include yogurt, which is low in fat and sugar. 
    • Yogurt contains live bacteria and has been shown to improve your gut environment and enhance health.
  • Try fermented foods
    • Add some sauerkraut to your pork chops
