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The Benefits Of Family Mediation In Gloucester

These days, family mediation services have established themselves in Gloucester as an effective tool for resolving family disputes in a peaceful and consensual manner. This process allows the parties involved to reach satisfactory agreements without resorting to lengthy and costly court proceedings.

Nationally, in the UK, family mediation has proven to be highly effective. According to data from the CEDR Mediation Audit 2022, approximately 17,000 civil and commercial mediation cases were handled, of which 92% were successfully resolved without the need for court enforcement.

Is family mediation mandatory for a divorce process?

The role of MIAM

MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings) is a prerequisite in most divorce cases in England and Wales. This process enables the parties to understand what mediation is, how it works and whether it is suitable for their particular situation. During MIAM, a qualified mediator assesses whether the case can be resolved through mediation, which may avoid the need to go to court.

Exemptions to the mediation requirement

Although family mediation is often mandatory, there are exceptions. Examples include cases of documented domestic violence, situations where a family member cannot be located or where there is a significant risk to children. These exemptions ensure that people in sensitive circumstances are not forced to participate in a process that could be detrimental.

Key benefits of family mediation in Gloucester

Affordable alternative

Mediation is significantly cheaper than court litigation. By avoiding lengthy legal proceedings, families can save time and money while reaching satisfactory solutions.


Faster resolutions

Compared to the court system, mediation is often much quicker. Timetables are more flexible and sessions are scheduled according to the availability of the parties, which makes it easier to reach agreements in less time.

Reduced stress and conflict

The collaborative environment of mediation minimises confrontation and fosters more effective communication between the parties, which helps to reduce emotional stress.

Centered on children's needs

The aim of any mediation is to prioritise children and protect their well-being, helping parents to make decisions that prioritise their long-term interests and needs.

Preserves family relationships

Being less confrontational than litigation, mediation allows for a cordial relationship between the parties, which is especially important when children are involved.

Flexibility in solutions

Mediation allows for the creation of personalised agreements that are tailored to the specific needs of each family, unlike judicial decisions, which tend to be more standard.

The role of Direct Mediation Services 

Mediators are your best companion in difficult times, be it separations, divorces or other family issues. 

Qualified family mediators

A mediator is highly trained to guide families through difficult moments in their lives. In addition, they guarantee impartial advice and a safe environment for discussions. 

Tailored support for every situation

Every family is unique, and mediation services in Gloucester are designed and customised to meet the specific needs of each case, ensuring the most effective solutions.

Compliance with legal requirements

Family mediation services comply with the legal requirements set by the government, ensuring that the parties involved receive a quality service that meets regulatory standards.

Online mediation options

With the internet revolution, it is no longer necessary to go to an office to obtain a good mediation service. Professionals have adapted to the new needs by offering online services to eliminate geographical barriers and facilitate access to the service.
