NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Camden County Health Department issues “Code Blue”
Commissioners commemorate 83rd anniversary of Pearl Harbor

Open Streets: West Walnut Returns This Sunday


Center City-Wide Shopping, Dining, Arts & Culture,

and Civic Happenings

Dates: Sundays, December 8 and 15
11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Walnut Street (15th to 19th) & 18th Street (Locust to Chestnut)

Experience car-free streets for two Sundays this December during Open Streets: West Walnut. Center City District (CCD), with support from Rittenhouse Row and the City of Philadelphia, will transform one of Philadelphia’s most popular shopping and dining destinations by temporarily closing streets to vehicular traffic. During these closures, pedestrians will be invited to stroll nearly seven blocks of car-free space while enjoying shopping, dining and activities for all ages. The cross streets will remain open at select intersections, including 16th Street, 17th Street, 19th Street and the 1700 and 1800 blocks of Sansom Street.

CCD will provide ambient entertainment, including acoustic musicians, holiday carolers, bubble magic and more. Along the 1800 block of Walnut Street, Santa Claus will host weekly storytime events at no cost. For more details, visit the Open Streets: West Walnut web page.

The businesses noted below are offering special discounts, activities, sidewalk sales and additional outdoor seating.

For more details, 

visit the Open Streets: West Walnut web page.

Explore Special Happenings

