NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

 What to Do on the Isle of Wight: A Visitor’s Guide to Fun, History, and Adventure
Optimizing Conversion Funnels for Canadian Online Casinos

Gloucester Township Road Projects for the week of December 16

TrafficMonday December 16 thru Friday December 20

  • Sicklerville Road – 8:00am to 2:00pm. Verizon will be removing utility poles and transferring wires, there will be alternating traffic with flaggers between Huckleberry Avenue & Dunlin Way.

Monday December 16 thru Friday December 20

  • New Brooklyn-Erial Road – 7:00am to 7:00pm.   Gloucester Township Sewer will continue the sewer main extension, there will be a lane shift between Erial-Clementon & Erial Williamstown Road and a full road closure between Erial-Williamstown Road & Deb Lynn Drive.

Wednesday December 18 & Thursday December 19

  • 86 Blenheim-Erial Road – 7:00am to 3:30pm.  Teicher Group will be installing curb at the Southwinds at Gloucester townhome development, there will be alternating traffic with flaggers between Rice Avenue & East Church Street.
