Gloucester City's Babe Ruth Baseball Team Sponsored by Orlando's Bar (Year, approximately 1956-58)
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
ORLANDO'S Babe Ruth team (Gloucester City, NJ)(CNBNews)--(Top) Coach Earl Brandt, Bill Gross, John Bartley, Jake Miller, Bob Bevan, Knute Cogan, Al Brill, Jim Talley, (unknown)
(Bottom) ? Fredhoff, George Strobel, ? Viereck, Skip Grandizio, Jack Brandt, Rickie Hancock, Matt Mullin, Jack Collins
EDITOR'S NOTE: We do not have all the player's names, as some are unknown to us. The team was sponsored by the former Orlando's Bar, which was once located at 500 Paul Street. The owner Frank Orlando sponsored sports teams in Gloucester City for many years. This particular team participated in the BABE RUTH LEAGUE, around the year 1956. The age range of the players was between 13 and 15.
If you can help us fill in some of the blanks, send the information to [email protected] .
Founded in 1951, Babe Ruth Baseball League was created for ballplayers ages 13-15 who wished to continue their baseball playing experience beyond the age of 12. This is where players get their baseball cleats muddy for the first time on standard 90' diamonds under Official Baseball Rules used by Major League Baseball. In this division, teams are eligible to enter tournament competition and move along the tournament trail, culminating in a World Series. Three World Series are held in this division: one for 13 Year-Old players, one for 13 and 14 Year-Old Players, and the renowned 13-15 World Series. Source: