NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

REPORT: American Women/Young Girls Raped/Murdered by Illegal Immigrants

Gloucester Businesses Going Green – Some Things Now Being Phased Out

Gloucester is one of the leading cities in the country when it comes to sustainability, with the council in the process of delivering on a five-year action plan to reduce carbon emissions and non-recyclable waste.

Local businesses in Gloucester have a responsibility to do their part too, and a lot of this has to do with changing their methods. If you haven’t noticed some things being phased out already, you probably will soon.

Physical Scratch Cards Could Soon Disappear from Shelves

One of the pathways towards New Jersey's goal to battle climate change is cutting out paper waste. There are various things that use paper or card that can now be purchased online, with scratch cards being a prime example. Indeed, thanks to the rise of the online version of these instant win classics, there may soon be no more physical scratch cards.

People who play online scratch cards soon realise that they’re almost the same as their physical counterparts. You may not need a coin to scratch away at them, but you can run your mouse or finger over them to simulate the experience. Just like real world scratch cards, the online versions come in plenty of different themes as well. For instance, there’s Crack the Code, Cash Pong, and Deal or No Deal: What’s in Your Boc Scratch to choose from.

Receipts Could Soon Be No More

Have you noticed that most shop assistants now ask you if you want a receipt or not? Self-service checkouts do the same, so you should be getting into the habit of declining these now. It may be difficult at first, as it’s an age old habit to carry the receipt out of a shop with you to ensure people know you paid for your goods.

This is where shops around Gloucester could do a bit more to assure their customers that this is the new normal. There’s no need for a receipt these days thanks to technology, with cameras keeping tabs on everyone and computerised point of sales systems tracking all the spending.

Shopping-2614150_1280Source: Pixabay 

Reusable Packaging on the Rise

Everyone’s got the hang of bringing their own bag for life by now, and it’s nice to see the decline of plastic bags in shops around the city. However, there are still some things that come in packages that are bad for the environment, and business owners need to innovate to come up with sustainable solutions.

Green Packaging Solutions is leading the way with this in the region, and the company has recently created a compostable coffee cup. Arcade Beauty has also been trialling a refill program that could catch on among smaller businesses in the future. The incentive is that customers get discounts for bringing their bottles back for refills.

While the onus is on businesses to work towards sustainable practices for a greener future, it’s important for us shoppers to change our habits too. Let’s all start practicing declining receipts and using reusable containers from now on.
