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Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over High-visibility Enforcement Period - 12-6-24 through 1-1-25

‘Tis the Season to Drive Sober:
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

LightsLower Township, NJ  — During this busy winter holiday season, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Lower Township Police are teaming up to remind drivers: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. NHTSA and law enforcement want all drivers to remember this lifesaving message: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. This high-visibility impaired driving awareness campaign runs December 6, 2024, through January 1, 2025. In support of the law enforcement community’s dedication to protecting the lives of residents in their communities, drivers will see officers working together during the holiday season to take drunk drivers off the roads.

Alcohol-impaired driving is deadly and continues to be a factor in fatal traffic crashes in the United States, especially during the holidays. During the 2018-2022 December months, there were 4,759 people killed in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. In December 2022 alone, 1,062 people died in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. Unfortunately, males and young people are at greatest risk for injury or fatality: In December 2022, drunk male drivers were involved in fatal crashes at a much higher rate (22%) compared to female drivers (16%), and young drivers ages 21-34 accounted for the highest percentage (25%) of alcohol-impaired drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes. 

“Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is irresponsible and extremely dangerous,” said Lt. Ryan. “We want our community to enjoy the holiday season, but we want everyone to do so safely, and that means using other travel options after consuming alcohol,” he said. 

Drivers should be safe during the holidays by planning ahead if they intend to drink. They shouldn’t wait until after drinking to plan how to get somewhere. Impairment clouds a person’s judgment. Drivers should secure a designated sober driver or call a taxi or rideshare for a sober ride home.  

If a driver finds they are unable to drive, they should give their keys to a sober driver so that person can get them home safely. When a friend has been drinking and is considering driving, friends should be proactive — take away the keys and help them get a sober ride home. If anyone spots a drunk driver, contact local law enforcement.

For more information on impaired driving, visit
