NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Authorities Arrest Alleged Murderer Hakeem Denby, 41, of Vineland
Gloucester City Resident Arrested for Murder of Cumberland County PO Detective

Another toll hike is approved for the NJ Turnpike and Parkway. See how much tolls are going up.

Toll hikeBy

NJ Turnpike Authority officials approved a $2.7 billion 2025 budget Tuesday that includes the fourth 3% toll increase since 2020 on both the Turnpike and Garden State Parkway. The vote to approve the budget came after a drivers group called on Gov. Phil Murphy to veto it.

“Last year the governor temporarily vetoed your 3 percent toll hike and this year he will be under even more pressure to do so in response to the findings from this election (and) the importance of not being tone deaf to the economic concerns of the middle class,“ Steve Carrellas of the National Motorists Association said. ”Don’t be surprised if gubernatorial candidates of both parties make this a campaign issue next year.”

