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Advisory: Fall Leaf Collection - Round 1 begins Next Week for Ward 1

Fall is in the air - and so are the leaves!
The first round for leaf collection will begin in November. Please see schedule below.

Stock-photo-collection-of-fallen-leaves-raking-autumn-leaves-from-the-lawn-on-the-lawn-in-the-autumn-park-2339777453Ward 1 November 4 - November 8
Ward 2 November 11 – November 15
Ward 3 November 18 – November 22
Ward 4 November 25 - November 29

Not sure which Ward you're in? Please visit and click on "Leaf Collection Schedule" icon - and type in your address.

Collection begins on Monday of each collection week and continues until route is complete. Please have leaves on curbside loose at the beginning of your scheduled week. Leaves must be free from all other yard debris including sticks, twigs, acorns, etc.

Questions? Email or call (609) 567-0700 option “2.”
