NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

KI Announces Third Annual Classroom Furniture Giveaway for K-12 Educators

Commissioners urging residents to conserve water as statewide drought is declared

(Camden, NJ) – After the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) declared a statewide drought watch on Oct. 17, the Camden County Board of Commissioners and the Office of Sustainability are urging residents to conserve water.

“The past few months have been abnormally warm and dry, creating the current drought conditions statewide,” said Commissioner Jon Young, liaison to the Office of Sustainability. “While we should always be aware about how much water we are using, it is especially important right now that all residents try their best to conserve water to ease the stress on our state’s water supply while this drought watch is in effect.”

New Jersey has a three-stage drought advisory system where a drought watch is the first step. Under a drought watch, conservation is encouraged but if conditions don’t improve, the state could enact mandatory conservations efforts.

NJ DEP has recommended taking the following steps to conserve water:


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The most up-to-date information about the status of New Jersey’s water supplies can be found at

For more water conservation tips, go to:
