NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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September 20, 2024

I-295 southbound/Al-Jo’s Curve to be closed

I-295 southbound/Al-Jo’s Curve to be closed tonight for guiderail repair in Bellmawr I-295 northbound and Route 42 northbound open tonight as work completed early (Trenton) – The I-295 southbound ramp to Route 42 southbound and I-295 southbound, also known as Al-Jo's Curve, is scheduled to be closed and detoured tonight to replace damaged guiderail and attenuator as the Direct Connection project advances in Bellmawr, Camden County. In addition, the drainage work and repaving requiring overnight closures this week of I-295 northbound Exit 27A ramp to I-76 westbound and two lanes on Route 42 northbound completed early. Therefore, the closures that... Read more →

Van Drew Holding Field Hearing to Address Escalating Electricity Cost

Washington, DC -Today, Congressman Van Drew announced that he will be holding a field hearing in the district to address the escalating electricity costs impacting New Jersey families. In addition, he will be introducing a package of five critical bills designed to enhance transparency from utility companies and protect consumers from these unfair hikes in the future. "We need to ensure big companies cannot take advantage of the system and leave hardworking families paying the price," said Congressman Van Drew. "This package of bills is just the beginning of holding utility companies accountable. I plan to introduce more legislation to... Read more →

$300,000 Invested Into Repairs of GCHS's Main Entrance, Offices, Classrooms and Alumni Hall

Deacon Kevin Heil welcomes back students on the first day of school Greetings from Gloucester Catholic Gloucester Catholic is open for business and the halls are filled with many new Rams. The New Year always brings a feeling of excitement and new hope. This year is no exception! After a summer of hard work and labor we are proud to announce the reopening of the Main Entrance and Offices, first floor classrooms and Alumni Hall. Because of the generosity of our alumni and friends we were able to invest over $300,000 in capital improvements to our campus. As the school... Read more →

Attention New Jersey Residents! Please Do Not Feed The Bears

Please Do Not Feed the Bears! Residents are asked to be alert and watch for black bears as the bears forage for food ahead of their winter den season. Though most of New Jersey's black bears live in the northwest portion of the State, black bears have been sighted in all 21 counties. Please take steps to secure trash cans and other potential sources of food. Bears that find food in residential neighborhoods may learn to associate people with food. These bears may then become nuisances that cause property damage, seek handouts from people, or become dangerous. Intentionally feeding bears... Read more →

What To Consider When Choosing A Probate Attorney In New York

Choosing a probate attorney is an important step you need to take if you have a high net worth and want to ensure the fair administration of your will. These experts will take care of your estate and ensure that your properties are shared according to your wishes long after you have died. Keep in mind that probate laws vary from state to state so the attorney you pick must be familiar with the state laws where you have your estate. In this piece, we will show you how to choose a qualified probate attorney in New York. Four Considerations... Read more →

Wildlife Adventures for Young Minds, Must Register to Attend

On Saturday, the Board of Commissioners in partnership with the Camden County Certified Gardeners and Woodford Cedar Wildlife Refuge will host Wildlife Adventures for Young Minds, an educational adventure exploring the world of animals. The day’s activities include lessons about New Jersey’s diverse wildlife, gardening activities and an interactive bee demonstration. “Promoting sustainability is a priority for the county and the best way to do that is to get our youngest residents interested,” said Commissioner Jonathan Young, liaison to the Camden County Office of Sustainability. “It is going to be a wonderful day where kids and families can learn about... Read more →