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GCHS Christine McKenna Memorial Golf Outing Saturday, September 21

The 6th Annual Christine McKenna Memorial Golf Outing will be held Saturday, September 21, 2024 at Ed Oliver Golf Club in Wilmington, DE. 

Mrs. McKenna was a beloved Gloucester Catholic educator who passed away in March 2018 following a tough battle with cancer. During the past five years, her family has raised over $47,000 in scholarship funds for Gloucester Catholic students.

Golfer registration is $145 per golfer with the Lunch/Banquet-only fee of $45. Various sponsorship levels are available as well -- see flier for details. Venmo payments are also accepted. 

Golfer registrations and sponsorships may be sent to [email protected]. You may also mail these to: 

204 Wells Lane
Springfield, PA 19064

Please make checks payable to: Christine McKenna Memorial Fund. Registration and payment due by September 2nd.

Chris McKenna FINAL
