NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia


Patients’ donations of tissue are being hoarded. That doesn’t help medical research

Maryland Fishing Report for July 17, 2024

Brooklawn American Legion headed to State Playoffs

BROOKLAWN, NJ (July 22, 2024)(CNBNews)--The Brooklawn Legion Baseball Team has headed north to defend their 2023 State Championship and their 31st State Title. The Dennis Barth Bulldogs have traveled the country from New Jersey to Nebraska to Georgia and all states in between to prep for this Tournament. Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 20.52.25

This season, with fewer American Legion Teams, the annual Camden County American Legion District Playoffs was abandoned in favor of an eight-team state-wide tournament hosting eight of the top teams.

On Sunday, the Brookers defeated Montgomery Superior 3-1 and followed that up with a Monday rainout and played Tuesday with a 3-0 win, defeating Lawrence.

The locals will play on Wednesday at 12:30 PM. at the Wood-Ridge Athletic Center, 200 Johnson Drive, Wood-Ridge, NJ.  

This is a double-elimination tournament.


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The information below is subject to change.

Official and Most Accurate Source of Information is Tournament Director on Site at Tournament.

Last Update:  July 23 @2020

2024 New Jersey American Legion Baseball State Finals

*  This is a Double Elimination Tournament for Games 1 - 14

*  The State Finals will start on Sunday, July  21st and will be completed by Friday, July 26th.   

     Saturday. July 27th is a Rain Date if weather conditions require. 

*  Location: Wood-Ridge Athletic Center

         Address: 200 Johnson Drive., Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075   

         (Located at the intersection of Marshall  Lane & Johnson Drive)

*  Admission:  $5 General / $4 Seniors / Children under 12 Free.  (CASH ONLY, no CC, Zell or Venmo) 

*  General Information on Wood-Ridge Athletic Center - Link Below:

                    General Info on Wood-Ridge Athletic Complex (


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