NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Did You Know Police in NJ Use Baby Blood Samples to Catch Crooks?
Madeline M. Angelastro, age 86, Retired from Harrah's Casino, GCHS Alum Class of '56

5 Reasons You Can't Find Someone on Facebook


Facebook is not just a top social network, but also a huge community of people who may be complete strangers or closely related to each other as relatives, classmates, classmates, colleagues, friends, etc. Using a simple search and having the initial data, you can find anyone on the vast social network. Download

There are several ways, thanks to which you can find the desired user in the social network Facebook. Most often a person is found by name or nickname, phone number or email. It happens that he is present in the list of mutual friends. Then you just need to send a friend request or write a private message.


Why can't a person be found

If you can't find the person you're looking for using Facebook search, it could be for one of the following reasons:

  1. He is simply not registered on the social network. Then you need to find out where he may have his account, ask friends and acquaintances. It may be possible to find his contacts to contact him by phone or through one of the messengers.
  2. This person is blocked by you. And you simply forgot about it. In this case, you need to review the list of blocked users and find the person you are looking for.
  3. You have entered incorrect search terms and cannot find the person you are looking for. Check the correct spelling of first name, last name, nickname. If you don't remember exactly, try different variants. 
  4. The input data is not accurate enough. For example, there may be thousands of people with the same first and last name in a social network. Specify something else, such as age, city and country of residence, some additional data and repeat the search query.
  5. The user you're looking for has blocked you or set restrictions in your privacy settings. If you know them, ask them to review their settings and allow you access. If you don't know him or her, contact him or her through mutual friends.

Be flexible and patient in your search for the right person, give yourself enough time and you're sure to find them, even among hundreds of millions of users.


How to find a person on Facebook?

In order to find a particular user, you should click on the search bar in the upper left corner of any page and enter the person's name or nickname. Then you need to start the search. When the desired user is found, you should send him a friend request. To do this, just click the button next to his profile picture.

Please note that one user can have no more than a thousand unconfirmed friend requests. If there are more, the old requests will be deleted.

To add friends to your personal list, you need to find the ‘Friends’ option on the left of the feed or click ‘More’, then ‘Own Lists’ and select the name of the list you want to edit. Then you need to click ‘Add/Remove.’ After that, you find the people you want and click on their names to add them to your list. Then it is important to ‘Save changes’.


How to find more friends?

The social network constantly recommends people who could become your friends. The recommendations section includes people with whom you have mutual friends, those with whom you work, have once socialized or are registered in the same groups on the platform. You can add new friends by uploading contacts from your mobile phone or email account. If you are unable to add a particular person as a friend, you need to find out the reason.

If in spite of everything, your search has not led to anything, but the person is definitely in FB, you can write to the technical support service of the social network and ask for help from experts. 

Today, people are searched for on the Internet using different methods, such as X-ray contact. But there are many methods to make your search successful and finally communicate with the person you want so badly to find. Social networking experts are generous in their advice and help you find someone faster, even if you have very little initial information about them. 


