NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Murder-Suicide at Academy Arms Apts, Clayton
Morrestown Porchfest May 18

Pennsauken PD ALERT: Skimming Device Found in Food Market Credit Card Machine

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 11.46.44


PENNSAUKEN, NJ (MAY 9, 2024)--On Wednesday, May 8, a skimming device was found on a credit card machine at the Supremo Food Market (7500 S. Rt. 130 Pennsauken, NJ).

It is unknown at this time how long the device was on the machine. If you utilized a credit card machine at this location, it is highly recommended that you contact your credit card company and advise them of this finding.

This incident is currently under investigation. 


Source Pennsauken Police Department press release
