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Violet Morse, age 93, formerly of Oak Valley and Brooklawn


Violet Mae Morse Violet Mae Morse, (nee Dinger) age 93, formerly of Oak Valley and Brooklawn, NJ, and Punxsutawney, PA was welcomed into the

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Kingdom of Heaven on June 8, 2015 after a longtime battle with Macular Degeneration and significant back pain. Violet never once complained about her ailments.

 Violet, self-named as Shrinking Violet, is best remembered as a warm and welcoming woman who dedicated her life to her family, her faith, and her friends. Born and raised in the Punxsutawney area of PA before ultimately settling in South Jersey, she enjoyed a good game of cards and truly spending time with the people she loved. 

Beloved wife to the late Rocco Gianvito and the late Frank Morse; Devoted mother of John 'Rocky' Gianvito (Joan), Charles 'Chick' Gianvito (Tina), Barbara Gianvito, the late Carol Garrity (survived by Joe), and step-children Jerry Morse (Terry) and Charmaine Coyle; Cherished grandmother of 13; Treasured great grandmother of 17; Precious great-great grandmother of one; Dear sister to John Dinger, Lois Menetti, Claire Walker, and Richard Dinger; Adored aunt to many.

Funeral services under the direction of the McGuinness FUNERAL HOME, 34 Hunter St., Woodbury, NJ 08096. Interment Eglington Cemetery, Clarksboro, NJ. Donations may also be made in her name to help prevent blind issues, with the Helen Keller International, 352 Park Ave. South, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10010

died on June 8, 2015
