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Office Cleaning Guide: What You Need To Know

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Office cleaning has never been an exciting process, but it’s often something that needs to be done. It offers many benefits, including preventing bugs and other pests, improving office morale year-round, increasing in-office productivity, and making the office look nicer.

However, that still doesn’t mean it’s something you'd look forward to. Depending on the size of the office, this could take quite a bit of time. If you don’t have a game plan going forward, it could take longer.

By knowing what you’re doing, though, you should be done in a peach.


Your Office Cleaning Plan

Before you start your office cleaning session, it’s always worth having a gameplan in mind. With it, you can ensure you get all the cleaning done when you need to. While a lot of this depends on personal preferences, there are more than a few things you should keep in mind with this.

Cleaning and disinfecting tables and other surfaces is always worth starting with. After that, you can vacuum the floor to remove any dirt and debris that comes from it. With that out of the way, you can properly clean the floors, with the exact method of these depending on the types of floors you have.

It’s always worth starting with the most well-used places first and branching out from there. This will ensure that the dirtiest areas are tackled first.


What You Need To Clean Your Office

If you’re cleaning your office yourself, you’ll need to get quite a few products to ensure you can do it all. Even if you’re hiring a professional cleaner, they could expect you to buy these supplies so they can do their job.

Some of the more notable items include Bleach or a high-quality floor cleaner, FDA-approved disinfectants for surfaces, microfiber cloths, gloves, a high-quality mop, paper towels, a vacuum, a duster, and a toilet brush.

Some of these will be once-off purchases or ones you don’t need to buy too often. Others will have to be replaced relatively quickly, depending on how much of it you use per office cleaning session. Make sure you’re well stocked with each of the supplies you need.

It’s also worth making sure you have somewhere safe to store them. A storage closet is a great option. It’ll keep your cleaning supplies out of the sun, which the manufacturers always recommend. You shouldn’t have to worry about clutter, either.


Get In Touch

Office cleaning is vital to maintaining a company and its premises, but it’s not something many people look forward to. Don’t let it be a hassle, though. Using a professional office cleaner makes it much easier and removes much of the stress.

Dray Pro Services LLC is there to meet your needs. The company offers world-class cleaning and makes sure your office is spotless at an affordable cost. You’ll see all of the benefits of a clean office before you know it.
