NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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Gloucester City Little League President Charged with Theft

William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews


GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (February 2, 2024)(CNBNews)--The former president of the Gloucester City Little League William Carr, age 44, has been charged with allegedly stealing $11,400.  The theft is a Third Degree crime.

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A recent rumor circulating in the City had the amount stolen at $17,000. Obviously, that rumor was incorrect. This is the third time in recent memory of this reporter that a Little League official has been charged with stealing from the organization. In the past those individuals pleaded guilty, and paid the money back to the Little League over a period of time.  

According to the Gloucester City Police Department the money was taken during the time Carr was the head of the Little League. The exact dates were between June 2023 and February 2, 2024.

The charge was placed on a summons pending a Central Judicial Processing Court Hearing.

The main function of the CJP Court is to screen cases and separate indictable cases, which are heard in New Jersey Superior Court, from cases that are more appropriately resolved in a lower court.
The suspect is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. 
