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The Philadelphia Lullaby Project


Saturday, February 3 at Ensemble Arts, Commonwealth Plaza

Philadelphia, PA –The Philadelphia Lullaby Project, a program that pairs parents and caregivers with professional musicians, will present ten original songs written over the last year, to an SRO crowd at the Kimmel Center Plaza on Saturday, February 3. The Carnegie Hall program, currently managed by Musicopia  in Philadelphia, has contributed to the emotional and social health of parents and their children around the world.

Philadelphia’s Musicopia is one of approximately 50 national and international partners who collaborate with Carnegie Hall through the Lullaby Project. Musicopia’s mission is to provide equitable access to music education and enrichment, encouraging self-confidence, global awareness, dedication and joy in Pre-K to 12th grade students and their communities.

Philadelphia Lullaby Project Celebration Concert

Saturday, February 3, 2024   4:00 - 4:45 PM

Commonwealth Plaza, Ensemble Arts  located inside the Kimmel Center

300 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102

Performing artists include:

Bethlehem the Vocussionist

Meghan Cary

Ximena Violante

Luke Carlos O’Reilly

Jessie Reagen

Kathleym Salinas 

Allison Tartalia

Ami Yares

Lia Menaker

Katie Miller

Harrison Cohn

Arlen Hlusko

Jacob Kelberman

Gabriel Furtado

Ciarnan Wall

Gabriel Furtado

Jacob Kelberman

Musical Director /Arranger– James Shipp

ABOUT: Over the last four years, with support from the William Penn Foundation, the Philadelphia Lullaby Project has served more than 130 families, who learn about the project through partnerships with many Philadelphia community partners including Musicopia, Brightside Academy, Puentes de Salud, The Family Practice & Counseling Network, Esperanza Arts Center, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Philadelphia, and Catholic Social Services Philadelphia.

The songs created by families and featured in the concert represent parents' hopes, dreams, and aspirations for themselves and their children. Throughout sessions, the project supports young families to explore their creativity, negotiate hard times, pass on experience and joy to their young ones, and share in the delight of music making.




Photo Cutline: Vania and Timothy, Philadelphia Lullaby Project Participants.

Photo provided by the Philadelphia Lullaby Project
