NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Route 70 eastbound single lane closure Friday night
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Klemm Avenue, Gloucester City Opens Dec. 9

Saturday, December 9, Klemm Avenue in Gloucester City will open in both directions. It has been closed since February 2022. 


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Next Saturday, December 9, Klemm Avenue in Gloucester City will open in both directions. It has been closed since February 2022. 

(Trenton) – New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti today announced the completion of the I-76 Bridge over Klemm Avenue rehabilitation project in Gloucester City, Camden County.


Beginning at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow, Saturday, December 2, the two left lanes on I-76, eastbound and westbound, are scheduled to be closed to stripe the roadway. Beginning at 9 a.m., the left lanes will reopen, and the three right lanes will be closed in both directions to complete the striping work. At least three lanes will be maintained during the day. By 3 p.m. tomorrow, the roadway will be back in its original configuration with six lanes of traffic on I-76 westbound and five lanes on I-76 eastbound.


Beginning at 9 p.m. Monday, December 4, until 5 a.m. Tuesday, December 5, and continuing each night through Thursday, December 7, lane closures for final paving will occur. Paving will begin on I-76 westbound and then move to I-76 eastbound. On Friday, December 8 Klemm Avenue under I-76 will be repaved and by Saturday morning December 9 will be reopened.

Klemm Avenue has been closed and detoured since the project started.

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The $57.2 million project began in February 2022 and is being completed on time and on budget. The project replaced the I-76 Bridge over Klemm Avenue, Conrail, and the South Branch of Newton Creek. The bridge replacement was done in stages using Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methods using prefabricated materials to minimize the impact to traffic and reduce construction time.


In addition, the project replaced the noise walls on the bridge and on the approach roadway, as well as two overhead sign structures. Improvements were made to ramps, drainage, lighting, guide rail, and ITS components within the project limits. I-76 carries an average of 200,000 vehicles each day.


Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 17.19.25The $57.2 million project began in February 2022 and is being completed on time and on budget.



CNBNews photos of Klemm Avenue taken December 1, 2023 

