GLOUCESTER CITY HISTORY: Saint Mary's Parishioners Donate $100,000 for Construction of New School & Convent
Saint Mary's Parishioners Donate $100,000 for Construction of New School & Convent
Monday, December 11, 2023
William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (DECEMBER 11, 2023)(CNBNews)--Cleaning out a file cabinet sitting in our home office, CNBNews discovered a small pamphlet containing the names of the people who donated the money to construct a new school and convent annex nearly 75 years ago next to the grammar school located at Cumberland and Sussex Street. The cover on the small booklet St. Mary's Building Fund 1949-1950. Contributions to the Building Fund ranged from a high of $5,300 to a low of .50 cents. Considering that the United States was getting over World War II and was on the verge of entering a war with North Korea, it is amazing that the parishioners were able to undertake such an endeavor.
Reading through the list of donors and collectors, you'll notice many names of Brooklawn residents listed. At the time, Booklawn Catholics belonged to St. Mary's Parish.
Saint Maurice was founded in 1955 beginning as a mission of Saint Mary in Gloucester. Mass was first celebrated in Brooklawn in October 1949. Bishop Bartholomew Eustace broke ground for the church on July 25, 1954, and the church was dedicated on November 14, 1954. On January 29, 1955 the Diocese of Camden declared that the boundaries of Brooklawn defined a new parish named Saint Maurice. The rectory was completed in 1960.
In the 60's and 70's there were three Masses each Sunday and two daily Masses. This was made possible since there were one or more priests in residence at the Saint Maurice Rectory who worked nearby at the Diocesan Offices or the local Catholic schools. The parish thrived and there were many family activities offered, including the annual church picnic in Pine Hill. Each pastor who served Saint Maurice added his own special touch whether it be renovations, tree planting or the installation of chimes in the bell tower.
In June, 2004 Saint Maurice became "twinned" with Saint Anne - it still acted as a stand alone parish but shared its pastor with Saint Anne in Westville. Mass times at both churches changed so that one priest could celebrate all of the Masses for both churches. Then, in 2011, Saint Maurice, together with Saint Anne, merged with Annunciation BVM to become Saint Joachim Parish.
Imprinted on the left side of the above page: Addition to St. Mary's Grammar School, Gloucester City, Camden County. On the right side: Edwards & Green and Frank Hughes Associate Architect, Camden, New Jersey
Above, the artist's sketch of the convent annex
Reading through the list of donors and collectors, you'll notice many names of Brooklawn residents listed. At the time, Booklawn Catholics belonged to St. Mary's Parish.
Saint Maurice was founded in 1955 beginning as a mission of Saint Mary in Gloucester. Mass was first celebrated in Brooklawn in October 1949. Bishop Bartholomew Eustace broke ground for the church on July 25, 1954, and the church was dedicated on November 14, 1954. On January 29, 1955 the Diocese of Camden declared that the boundaries of Brooklawn defined a new parish named Saint Maurice. The rectory was completed in 1960.
In the 60's and 70's there were three Masses each Sunday and two daily Masses. This was made possible since there were one or more priests in residence at the Saint Maurice Rectory who worked nearby at the Diocesan Offices or the local Catholic schools. The parish thrived and there were many family activities offered, including the annual church picnic in Pine Hill. Each pastor who served Saint Maurice added his own special touch whether it be renovations, tree planting or the installation of chimes in the bell tower.
In June, 2004 Saint Maurice became "twinned" with Saint Anne - it still acted as a stand alone parish but shared its pastor with Saint Anne in Westville. Mass times at both churches changed so that one priest could celebrate all of the Masses for both churches. Then, in 2011, Saint Maurice, together with Saint Anne, merged with Annunciation BVM to become Saint Joachim Parish. Source ST. JOACHIN PARISH