Sunday, “Run the Vineyards” 5K Foot Race in Lower Township, Road Detours
Saturday, October 14, 2023
LOWER TOWNSHIP, NJ--(October 14, 2023)(CNBNews)----The Lower Township Police Department wishes to inform motorists and residents of a temporary road closure on Sunday, October 15, 2023, starting at 8:00 a.m. and lasting until approximately 12:00 p.m., to facilitate the “Run the Vineyards” 5K foot race.
The roads that are scheduled to be closed include:
- Town Bank Road, between Seashore Road and Shunpike Road
- Shunpike Road, between Town Bank Road and Tabernacle Road
Motorists wishing to cross Shunpike Road at Crawford Road, Fishing Creek Road or Tabernacle Road, will experience delays and are encouraged to avoid this area if possible.