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American Water Charitable Foundation and New Jersey American Water Announces...

 Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Grant Recipients

CAMDEN, N.J. – OCT. 25, 2023 –The American Water Charitable Foundation (AWCF), 501(c)(3) organization established by American Water, the largest publicly traded U.S. water and wastewater utility company, and New Jersey American Water, announced today ten recipients of the company’s inaugural Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Grant Program. A total of $25,000 will be awarded to organizations seeking to develop and implement programs, training and community-related projects that aim to promote and foster inclusion and diversity in communities across New Jersey.

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Mark McDonough, President, New Jersey American Water and Board Member, American Water Charitable Foundation, expressed his enthusiasm for the progress taking place in the communities the company serves. "At New Jersey American Water, we celebrate the diverse perspectives and backgrounds each of us brings," McDonough stated. "Diversity not only strengthens our company but also empowers our communities. That's why we established this new program focused on partnerships for inclusion, diversity, and equity. We are thrilled to collaborate with these remarkable organizations.”

Ten organizations across New Jersey American Water’s footprint will each receive a $2,500 charitable donation. New Jersey American Water’s 2023 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Grant recipients and projects are described below.

  • Friends of the Dunellen Public Library to enhance their Open-Air Market with more community-strengthening programing and develop a “Unity Day” event to promote the incredible diversity throughout New Jersey.
  • Volunteer UP Legal Clinic to offer workshops supporting local minority owned and operated small businesses in the community.
  • Logan Township School District to support the district’s PRIDE values and Equity Goal.
  • Central Jersey Club of NANBPWC, Inc. to expand their STEAM programming to also include to areas of Engineering and Technology to expose underrepresented students in Monmouth County.
  • Bestwork Industries for the Blind, Inc. to obtain equipment and expand programming for the visually impaired to increase accessibly of their program.
  • New Soles, Inc. to provide ID&E workshops and training for local youth.
  • Ritz Theatre Company to expand their diversity celebrations to showcase Hispanic heritage.
  • Raise the Bar Family Services to create a more inclusive world for individuals with disabilities through direct programs, education, and awareness-building.  
  • Agraj Seva Kendra to expand their Cross Age Mentoring Program (CAMP) that provides mentoring for students who are from a minority background, disabled and economically disadvantaged.
  • Services for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI) to enhance existing transition programing for severely disabled, medically fragile, underprivileged children & young adults from birth to 21+.

The grant program underscores New Jersey American Water's dedication to fostering an inclusive environment and supporting initiatives that positively impact the diverse communities they serve. The company looks forward to the collaborative efforts ahead, working hand in hand with these exceptional organizations to create a more equitable and vibrant New Jersey.

Funding for the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Grant Program is provided by theAmerican Water Charitable Foundation, as part of its State Strategic Grant Program, focused on high-impact projects and initiatives throughout American Water’s national footprint.  State Strategic grants are part of the Foundation’s Keep Communities Flowing Grant Program, focused on three pillars of giving: Water, People and Communities.

For more information about New Jersey American Water and the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity grant program, please visit
