Photo source: the City of Gloucester City
GROWING UP IN GLOUCESTER CITY--On a bitterly cold day in March 1960, a crowd watched as a fire destroyed the Monmouth Street School located on Broadway and Monmouth Street. The fire originated in the boiler room of the school, and witnesses reported hearing a loud explosion before flames and smoke emerged from the school basement. A spark from the school fire blew across the street and landed on the steeple of St. Mary's Church, setting it on fire.
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (SEPTEMBER 1, 2023)(CNBNEWS)-- While researching a different article, the Monmouth Street School fire (March 10, 1960) came up. The following is a direct quote from the Courier Post that day. "A Philadelphia fireboat pumped water from Delaware River through a half mile of hose to the scene."
A fireman squirts water on St.Mary's church steeple. File photo courtesy of the defunct Gloucester Camera Shop
That fire occurred 63 years ago, and the Philadelphia Fire Department who willingly offered to help, traveled across the Delaware River via the Ben Franklin and Walt Whitman bridges and into Gloucester City, NJ. A belated "thank you" to the Philadelphia Fire Department. The question is, 63 years later, why can't municipalities participate in mutual aid when it comes to equipment? It appears that the nearby fire departments are willing to come when needed. We owe one and all of these nearby a big "thank you" also.
The question is, though, does every area fire department need all the same equipment? How many fire boats are there from (just an example) Woodbury in the south to Haddonfield to the east and Pennsauken to the north? How many watercraft are needed? Keep in mind that for the last two water rescues, Gloucester City Fire Department, who recently obtained a was the last to show up.
How do we count the watercraft in this area? Where there's a will there's a way.
State Takeovers Continue - According to the Courier Post of August 27, 2023, NJ Assignment Judge Benjamin Telsey stripped Millville's Municipal Court of "all its powers" until further notice. All cases which had been assigned to Millville have now been moved to Vineland Municipal Court. This includes paying fines, signing complaints and any court date.
The reason for the shutdown is that the NJ Division on Civil Rights corroborated a complaint that people with Hispanic names were required to appear in court in person for a translator. The Division on Civil Rights said that everyone, Hispanics included, could attend court remotely and translators were available on-line. Judge Telsey also said that New Jersey is lacking judges and court assistants, compounding the problem.
Municipal Information - As difficult as it is to get information from the city officials, in the May 15, 2023 Council Meeting Brian Morrell let a kernel of information drop. In the month of April, 2023 police officers issued 937 parking tickets. He didn't say anything about speeding tickets or accidents.