NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

William J. Glennan, Sr., age 94 of Oaklyn

Oct. 21 The Running Far Hills Race Meeting




William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews


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CNBNews photo taken at 8 PM Monday evening, August 21, 2023. 

HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? Just a few feet from Broadway, a major route in and out of Gloucester City, there is a heap of garbage obstructing the pedestrian walkway. In the backyard of the property, there is a 20-foot boat. Click the photo you’ll find gas cans, oily rags, tires, car parts, and junk. How did this happen? The city mandates that all rental properties undergo annual inspections by the Housing Office and Fire Department. 


GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (August 21, 2023)(CNBNews)--We have recently received our property tax bill from Gloucester City and noticed an increase of $1000 annually or $250 quarterly. While reading the bill, we wondered, like others, what improvements or services have been made in the city to justify such a large increase. A drive through the community revealed nothing that justifies the added charges.

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Days later, on August 21, 2023, while driving on Kohler Street towards Broadway, we spot the scene of trash thrown about on the sidewalk in front of two properties and a derelict boat in the backyard of one of those properties. A person walking by says that the trash has been there since the weekend, and the boat has been there forever. We were unable to confirm that accusation.  If it is not true, one evident thing is that there has been a significant change in the type of people Gloucester City is attracting that feel it is okay to throw your rubbish on the sidewalk, blocking pedestrian traffic and causing an eyesore and health hazard to those living nearby. If it is true, why would those hired by the taxpayers to deal with such problems allow this trash to remain there for days?  


Throughout the 75 years we have resided in this community, we have never seen it in its current state. It is disheartening to observe the gradual spread of neglect, blight, disrepair, and the absence of community pride in Gloucester City, one block at a time. During one of our recent walks, we explored the neighborhood near the swim club on Essex Street. The residences and landscapes in the area are well-maintained for several blocks leading up to Hudson Street. Many of these homes could easily be situated in the million-dollar neighborhoods that are present in Haddonfield and Cherry Hill. Similar areas can be found throughout this 2.5 square mile city. However, the scenes depicted in these photos are becoming commonplace in other areas that we frequent during our daily travels.


Dear Mayor Daile Baile and the esteemed council members of Gloucester City, including George Berglund, James Johnson, Nancy Baus, Sam Budesa, Robert Page, and Derek Timm. CNBNews represents the concerned citizens in our city. As their self-appointed spokesperson, we feel compelled to express our distress over the current state of affairs in this community. There are significant issues with how the city is being managed, particularly concerning finances. It's disheartening to see that the only solution being offered to combat rising costs, including employee salaries and benefits, is to increase taxes annually and float bonds. We elected you to represent our interests, and to make the tough decisions when dealing with new union contracts that represent 109 full-time employees. We feel that you are falling short of your responsibilities. While we don't take pleasure in saying this, we don't see any significant changes being made under your leadership. The emphasis on "tax and spend" is no different from past administrations, and it may lead to the city's downfall.

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8 PM Monday evening, August 21, 2023. (CNBNews photo)

AN EYESORE AND A HEALTH HAZARD-900 unit block of Kohler Street, piles of trash, debris, and hazardous material sitting on the sidewalk blocking pedestrian traffic.  There are a number of city ordinances on the record that are supposed to eliminate scenes like this. Where is the neighborhood outcry? Where is the community pride? Where are Mayor and Council?


CNBNews Monthly Cheers and Jeers Column 


