NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Mosquito spraying throughout Camden County Wednesday
CNBNews Monthly Cheers and Jeers Column

The Story Behind The Story:

Yes, There Was Life A Hundred Years Ago


Gloucester City, NJ (August 21, 2023)--On a recent talk show the subject was "What did (mostly) boys and men do before computerized games?"  Was there "life" a century ago, as life is known today?  The answer is, "yes, there was life and a much more active and social life, a century ago."
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In doing research for something else an article jumped out.  It appeared in the Morning Post (of Camden) on November 5, 1915.  In those days it appears that people, primarily men (women weren't permitted to vote yet) attended city council and such meetings because they recognized how important such meetings were.  It is possible that the subject matter was digested over a glass, or two, of beer.  Who knows.
If civic meetings didn't interest the 1915 you, you had your choice of silent films at the Hayes Opera House or at the Leaden Theatre.   If you were a more athletic adult, you probably belonged to the Oriental Athletic Club as a participant or spectator.  Private theme parties occurred at homes frequently and as many people who could fit into a row house were invited.  This particular week there was a private masquerade party at 214 Middlesex Street and 45 people attended. There was also a recital by the Gloucester Lyceum Association and the Monmouth Masked Dance.
The itinerary isn't finished yet.  There was a Star of Union Council Elk Tribe of Red Men (yes, there were American Indians in Gloucester City and most other towns,) Camp 36 POS of A @ Lukens Hall, Columbus Catholic Club, a Methodist Revival, and a meeting of the Star of the Union Council at Pickett's Hall.
So, the answer to the original question is "yes, there was life a hundred years ago" and it seemed to be  much more active and social than those people (women included) who stare at a computer or cell screen.
