NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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Gloucester City Public Works Supervisor Pleads Guilty to Stealing from Taxpayers


GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (July 10, 2023)(CNBNEWS)--We learned today that the 2022 rumor about an assistant Superintendent of the Public Works, namely John Zuccarelli, was stealing from the taxpayers of Gloucester City was, in fact, true. We have been investigating that rumor for over a year. Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 12.04.10

Our research began in May 2022 when we were contacted by a reliable source who said that City Police arrested Zuccarelli at Proprietors Park during the day. The person said Zuccarelli, who arrived at the Park in a Public Works vehicle, was taken away in the back of a police car, and the Public Works Supervisor Alex Tedesco drove off in Zuccarelli's Public Works vehicle a few minutes later.

We were unable to confirm that Zuccarelli was arrested at the Park.  

 "A Public Works supervisor by the name of (omitted by the reporter)) has been stealing equipment from that department and got caught," said the source. When asked how many items he allegedly stole, the person said, "I was told if he was prosecuted, the number of items that were taken would send him away for a long time."

Wanting to know more CNBNews contacted Police Lt. Jason Flood, the spokesman for the department. Our email to Flood read,

“I am looking into an unconfirmed report of a supervisor/city employee/retired city employee stealing auto parts from vehicles stored at the Public Works property or some other site. Can you tell me if the police have investigated or are investigating a property theft by a city employee in the past week or 10 days?(Date of email July 4, 2022).


Flood's response;

“Bill, an OPRA request is required for this. Have a good day, Jason. “


Several days later, on July 7, 2022, CNBNews submitted the following OPRA via email to Vanessa Little (nee Parent), Custodian of Records. 


Background: I have been told that a supervisor/city employee at the Public Works Department has removed auto parts and other equipment from the compound without permission.

Records requested: 1. All police reports generated as a result of this incident. 2. Information of the circumstances immediately surrounding the arrest, including but not limited to the time and place of the arrest and the investigation leading up to the arrest. 3. Information as to circumstances surrounding bail, whether it was posted and the amount thereof.


Acting City Administrator/Chief of Police Brian Morrell responded, "This matter is under investigation."


Editor's Note : We learned today, July 10, 2023, that the police had been investigating the allegation since March 1, 2022. And the local police concluded their investigation six weeks later and forwarded the outcome to the Camden County Prosecutor on April 12, 2022. 


On August 3, 2022, we received an anonymous typed letter about the alleged theft at the Public Works Department via regular mail.


Rumors are that a public works supervisor was suspended while an investigation is being conducted into the accusation that he stole items from the public works department. Supposedly he was using a city account to order auto parts for a member of his family. And, he also was allegedly stealing other equipment from the department.Police arrested the suspect at the Proprietors Park/Freedom Pier. He was placed in a police car and the car drove away. Shortly thereafter a public works truck appeared and a supervisor got out and into the vehicle the suspect was driving.”


EDITOR'S NOTE: Reporter Dorothy Philbin submitted multiple OPRA requests, and her request from February 2023 prompted Morrell to release more information to the public than he ever had before.


Philbin's February 11, 2023 request received by Morrell stated,

“Please advise the status of the thief of city property allegedly by the assistant supervisor, keeping in mind that it has been about eight months.The Warren Commission only took 3 1/2 months to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy.Surely, Gloucester City can do better than that.”

Her derision was just enough to spur Morrell on February 13 to release more information than he had ever done in the past. In doing so we learned that the matter was no longer being investigated by the city police department, which many people thought it was. After Morrell's statement, the public became aware that the city detectives had gathered sufficient evidence to pass the case to the Camden County Prosecutor's Office. His response also confirmed that a theft complaint had been filed against a Public Works Supervisor. Prior to his response, the residents and the media were uncertain whether it was a supervisor or just an employee of that department that had been charged with the theft.

 Morrell stated,

“The Gloucester City Police Department (GCPD) began an investigation and also conducted interviews of potential witnesses to the incident. One of our detectives also assisted in the suspect interview. Once completed, the investigation was returned to the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office Special Prosecutions Unit for any possible criminal charges, again as required. The matter is still with that office and the City has not been given any update on the investigation since December 2022. Our answer can not and will not change until the matter is closed on their end and we are advised of the same.”


Editor's Note: Today, on July 10, 2023, the public was made aware that the Camden County Prosecutors Office had been handling the case since April 12, 2022. Knowing that the public was interested in this matter along with the media, you would expect that the local police department and/or the Prosecutor's Office would have released a statement in April 2022 about the investigation moving to the next level.  After all, Zuccarrelli was a long-time city employee and a supervisor. He wasn't a low-level employee. 


Here is the full text of Morrell's statement to CNBNews reporter Philbin in February 2023. 

Your sarcasm is wonderful, but I’m not sure how many times the City can answer both you and others until it’s considered a comprehension issue on your end.

The Gloucester City Police Department investigated a theft complaint involving a Gloucester City Public Works employee as the suspect. We notified the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office because of the nature of the complaint, which we are REQUIRED to do.

GCPD began an investigation and also conducted interviews of potential witnesses to the incident. One of our detectives also assisted in the suspect interview. Once completed, the investigation was turned over to the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office Special Prosecutions Unit for any possible criminal charges, again as required. The matter is still with that office and the City has not been given any update on the investigation since December 2022.

Our answer can not and will not change until the matter is closed on their end and we are advised of same. 


The prosecutor's office had the local police investigation results since April 12, 2022. But that date hasn't been disclosed to the public by the police department until today, July 10, 2023.


Some questions were not answered.

1.) Our sources told us that Zuccarelli purchased new tires for a family member, allegedly paid for by taxpayers. True or false?  

2.) Did Zuccarelli retire when he was arrested? Or was he kept on the payroll since March 1, 2022, while the investigation was ongoing?

3.) How long was Zuccarelli stealing from the city taxpayers? The exact date it began. 

4.)Was there any other employees involved in the crimes?

5.)Is the investigation closed? Or is it still ongoing?

6.) Was Zuccarellie allowed to retire with a full pension?

7.) How many years did Zuccarelli work for the city?

8.) When was he appointed as assistant Public Works supervisor?

9.) What was the date that Zuccarelli was indicted?

10.) Since the Camden County Prosecutors Office handled the final investigation that led to the charges against the supervisor, why didn't that office release the press announcement? There is no mention of this case on the Prosecutor's media page. Why was omitted?


Below is the information released today, JULY 10, 2023, by the Gloucester City Police Department. 

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 20.16.20

We at CNBNews extend our gratitude to our anonymous sources for their invaluable assistance in uncovering Zuccarrelli's act of theft. Without your input, this matter may have remained undisclosed. We also thank the prosecutor's office and local police for their transparency in sharing the outcome with the public and the media.
