Meeting Agenda for Gloucester City Mayor and Council Includes $3.225 Bond Ordinances
Sunday, July 23, 2023
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (July 23, 2023)(CNBNews)--Gloucester City mayor and council will vote on two bond ordinances on first reading at their Monday, July 24, monthly meeting that total $3.225 million. A breakdown of the first bond, which totals $1,500,000 million, reveals:
As per, Gloucester City Police Officers earn an average salary of $127,000, which places them as the third highest-paid police officers among the 37 communities in Camden County.
source city of Gloucester City, NJ
*$35,000 will be used for body cameras for the police
*$105,000 for a tractor at the Public Works Dept
*$100,000 for new furniture at the municipal building
*$30,000 for improvements to the municipal building/public works
*$180,000 for sports utility vehicles
*$500,000 for a ladder truck for the fire department
*$50,000 flooring at the municipal building
*$500,000 for the repaving of city streets.
The second bond ordinance amounts to $1,725,000.
A breakdown of that number shows:
*$900,000 - improvements to water and sewer mains, curb/gutter replacement
*$500,000 - repairs to the city water tower
*$150,000 - repairs to various wells
*$175,000 - sewer utility pickup truck and media for air stripping tower
Sub-tOTAL ...... $1,725,000
Also on the meeting agenda are,
A shared service agreement with Harrison Township to perform maintenance on the City Fire Department fleet of vehicles. The Harrison mechanic will receive $100 per hour of regular time and $115 per hour for holiday or overtime. A minimum of two hours of call-in time will be billed.
The mayor and council are submitting the following requests to the state Director of Local Government Service;
To include in this year’s budget a $400,000 grant from the Small Cities Division Street program
A request to the Director to allow a $2,273 grant from the body armor program
Permission to include a $24,253 grant from the Clean Communities Grant
Permission to include $830,000 for renovations/repairs to the Johnson Blvd., Jogging track
A $98,000 payment to Pennoni Associates to provide the design, inspection, and construction management for Johnson Park Green Acres improvements.
An expenditure of $59,000 to purchase an Enviosight rovverx sewer camera from Jet Vac Equipment LLC
Establish bank accounts at TD Bank, known as Construction Code Office Accounts with the following signatures: Chief Housing Inspector William Gallagher and Construction Code Official Edward Gorman.
An ordinance to repeal Chapter 48A flood Damage prevention and to adopt a new chapter 48A, flood damage prevention; to adopt a new chapter 48A, a flood plain administrator, and to provide for sever ability and an effective date. A copy of the 36-page ordinance can be obtained from the city clerk’s office. The block 48 property is covered by read.
Council is expected to authorize the sale of the following city-owned properties that includes 223 Ridgeway,219 Ridgeway, and 213 Ridgeway minimum bid for each starts at $6,500 plus 28 South King Street, minimum bid of $20,000
The council approved the payment of bills from June 27 to July 13, 2023, for $1,720.968, including July 24, 2023, in the amount of $285,772, for a total of $2,006,640.
The meeting will be held at the Police Administration Building, 313 Monmouth Street, in council chambers. Starting time is 6 PM.