NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Inaugural NJ FoodTech 2023 Conference on June 28

ALERT: GCOEM Releases Statement Re: Forest Fires in Bass River and Medford

GLOUCESTER COUNTY, NJ (June 3, 2023)(CNBNews)--The Gloucester County Office of Emergency Management released the following statement pertaining to the forest fire in Bass River State Forest and in Medford.
An unfortunate forest fire is consuming over 5,000 acres of the Bass River State Forest, while a second fire has 318214464_233427825676491_151790296788960017_n already consumed over 120 acres in Medford Twp., both in Burlington County. Current wind conditions are causing a lot of smoke and odors to drift into Gloucester County this morning. Specifically the areas of Monroe, Washington, and Mantua Twps. and Glassboro and Pitman Boroughs are experiencing poor air quality this morning. Conditions may improve or worsen unexpectedly as the weather conditions change or as the containment status of the fire changes. If you have medical concerns please attempt to stay indoors with windows closed if your situation allows it. 
Our fire crews have been answering and investigating numerous 9-1-1 calls suspecting an immediate issue outside of callers' residences due to smoke or heavy burning odors. If you believe you have an immediate emergency that needs attention, please continue to dial 9-1-1 for authorities to properly investigate. 
Our hearts are with the NJ Forest Fire Service and all the local fire departments and officials in the Burlington and Ocean County areas working to contain this blaze.
