NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Kathleen M. Andrioli, 75, of Gloucester City
Seven Rowan Student-Athletes Earn Honors

CNB Fishing Maryland: You Must Have A License

MARYLAND--(APRIL 28, 2023)(CNBnews)--As a reminder, most individuals that fish in Maryland’s coastal and tidal waters must have either a valid Maryland Bay or Coastal Sport Fishing License or Maryland Saltwater Angler Registration. To make obtaining the state’s free saltwater registration even easier, Maryland now provides this convenient form that does not require you to create an account in the state licensing system.

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In 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) began requiring anglers to pay a fee and register with the National Saltwater Angler Registry before fishing for anadromous species–those that move between saltwater and freshwater habitats. To comply with this requirement. Maryland created its own free saltwater angler registration, required on an annual basis.

Possession of a Maryland Bay and Coastal Sport Fishing License or Maryland Saltwater Angler Registration is required with a few exemptions. The registration is an important part of protecting Maryland’s fishing opportunities. The recreational fishing data collected in this registry helps state and federal agencies sustainably manage U.S. fish stocks. 

The options for free registration now available for Maryland anglers are:

For more information, visit the Department of Natural Resources website.
