NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

William A. Rittmayer, III Age: 94 of Collingswood, formerly of Audubon
Cora Allen, 96, of Camden City

THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: Electric Cars mandated for NJ

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (March 9, 2023)(CNBNews)--Following California's Governor Gavin Newson's lead in making his state reach 100% clean energy by 2035, New Jersey's Governor Phil Murphy announced the same goal for New Jersey.  Murphy announced that his initiative would require all new cars sold in New Jersey to be electric powered.  New Jersey's original plan was to mandate clean energy/electric cars by 2050.  Governor Murphy refers to his updated plan as the "Next New Jersey."
Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 15.33.57
An executive order IS a law, but it is made independently by a Governor or President instead of presenting it to the legislature for study, debate, and the possibility of it being denied.  In the early days of our country, it took one day to travel by horse the distance that it takes one hour to travel by car today.  Executive Orders were a necessary evil in Colonial Days but today it is just a way for laws to be passed without legislative interaction.
At the time of the Governor's announcement at Rutgers University on February 15, 2023, he also revealed that he had signed three executives.  The first order calls for the installation of zero-emission heating and cooling systems in 10% of all low-to-moderate income residential properties by 2030.
The second order calls for the state Board of Public Utilities to reach the possibility of a natural gas utility in New Jersey.  The Governor did not explain his third executive order.
The news on electric cars has not been very encouraging.  They are very expensive and not in the price range of many to most average families.  Several cars have caught spontaneous combustion due to their batteries.  In California this summer (2022) the state's power grid was not sufficient to provide electric energy to charge the cars' batteries.
Since both Governors Murphy and Newson are serving their second terms, neither will be in the office by the 2035 deadline.  Some political analysts feel that both governors plan to run for President in 2024 and they are using these clean energy programs as a political stunt.  Only time will tell but don't run out and buy an unplanned or unaffordable electric car just yet.
