Dear Friends in Christ,
With a heavy heart, I have seen deep pain and suffering within Saint Hubert’s community over the past few days. I share in your shock and deep disappointment that students from your school would not only engage in racist behavior but also share it broadly on social media.
As I’ve said many times, racism is a mortal sin and an attack on the integrity of God’s most precious gift, that of human life. Racism is a vile evil. It has no place in our hearts, our lives, our Church, or our schools. Those responsible will face severe disciplinary consequences.
The recent actions of a few have ripped open deep wounds in your school and our community at large. I know in my heart that what recently took place does not represent who you are or what you stand for. All those working at Saint Hubert’s strive to form young women of faith and integrity. As we move forward, I urge all of you to embrace your individual and collective responsibility to stamp out racism in a manner that promotes peace, justice, and the call of Christ to live in the spirit of charity.
I know that together we will now work toward healing. I know that God will give us courage and strength. I believe in the mission of the Church and ours schools' mission, which is in the hearts of the leaders, faculty, staff, families, and alumnae of Saint Hubert’s High School.
God will guide our hearts and minds as we, together, seek to defeat racism through love and the light of faith. The love of God, working through us, is a powerful gift that can and will overcome all evil.
I am praying intensely for all of you as we navigate this troubled time together. May God bless you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Editor’s Note: The above was distributed broadly to Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls students, families, alumnae, faculty, staff, board members, and benefactors earlier today.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls are investigating three students who posted a racist video on social media. The video and images in question depict several white girls, one in blackface, another saying the N-word and other racial comments. (Click the link below for further information.)
RELATED: Three Students Post Racist Video Online