NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Teen Dating Violence Awareness
Wanda Sprague Sentenced to Prison for Driving Drunk and Causing the Death of Pemberton Township Teenager

Guest Opinion: Tell DirecTV You Believe in Free Speech

DirecTV Still Stiffing Newsmax

Bill Donohue

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

On January 25, the same day that Newsmax announced that it had been unjustly sacked by the AT&T-owned DirecTV, I called on Catholics to rally to its side. Specifically, I asked them to cancel their subscription to DirecTV and acquire a new carrier.

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Subsequently, I was followed by a host of prominent Americans who registered their criticism of DirecTV, many of whom called for a boycott. Politicians, corporate leaders, TV personalities, sports figures, actors, lawyers, religious leaders—a Who’s Who of American public figures—lambasted DirecTV, calling on them to carry Newsmax again.

It’s time to keep the pressure on. If you haven’t already cancelled your DirecTV subscription, please do so now. Not only is Newsmax a Catholic-friendly source, it is the nation’s fourth largest cable television news network. To be singled out for political reasons is un-American and unacceptable.

To cancel DirecTV service, call: 877-763-9762

To cancel AT&T services, call: 888-855-2338

Also, contact your representatives in Congress.
