2013 Video of 49 Plane Flyover of Kansas City Chief's Football Stadium
Sunday, January 01, 2023
The following was submitted by our long-time friend, Chalie The Clip.
image source youtube video Jason Rabinowitz/AirLine Reporter
CNBNEWSNET(January 1, 2023)--The Kansas City Chiefs football team played the Las Vegas Raiders in Kansas City. When Obama was president, you may recall that he eliminated patriotic military flyovers at significant events.
On Sunday, October 13th, 2013, forty-nine homemade Van’s RV aircraft entered a tight formation and synchronized their flyover to occur at the very end of the national anthem. Not only did these pilots pull off a fantastic formation flight, but each plane left a pink smoke trail in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Once it starts, click on the full-screen box bottom right side.
After you watch the video go to The Airline Reporter page and watch how they line the planes into formation HERE