NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

$4.1Million Somerdale Road Bridge reconstruction Begins Later This Month
GLoucester County Commissioners Honor Woodbury Football Team

Newly Elected Brooklawn Mayor Takes Oath of Office

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BROOKLAWN, NJ --Newly elected Brooklawn Mayor Julie McCleary was sworn into office with her son holding her mother's bible and her family at her side.

McCleary said, "We will greatly miss our outgoing Mayor Teri Branella. Congratulations to our new Council President Patrick Moses and to John Clotworthy on his re-election to Council. What a fun evening we all had afterwards. I couldn’t be more proud to serve such a great community with amazing people."

Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 15.16.18source of information and photos Facebook
