Cooper University Health Care to hold virtual hiring events
Thursday, January 26, 2023
(Camden CITY, NJ) – Cooper University Health Care in conjunction with the Camden County One Stop Career Resource Center will be holding a virtual hiring event on Friday, Jan. 27 and Wednesday, Feb. 1, to recruit for a variety of positions.
On Friday, recruitment will be for clinical practice specialists, licensed practical nurses and medical assistants/medical practice assistants. On Wednesday, recruitment will focus on patient service representatives and customer service positions.
“Cooper University Health Care is the leading academic health care system in our region,” said Commissioner Jon Young. “This is a wonderful opportunity for those looking for work to be recruited for this incredible organization. Cooper has a history of more than 130 years of service and is the largest employer in the Camden County.”
Friday’s event runs from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., and Wednesday’s runs from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
To register for Friday’s event visit this link and to register for Wednesday’s session click here.