Usually writing an article about illegal drugs almost writes itself. Just fill in the name of the drug, the amount, and voila! The article is written. That isn't the case recently. Before one article is written there is Breaking News about another big drug bust. Take a look at the recent news.
Tuesday's (12/20/22) Washington Post ran an article that the Drug Enforcement Agency had confiscated enough
fentanyl* to kill every person in the United States. Last year 107,000 people died of overdoses, the number of people who have been saved by healthcare workers administering NARCAN is unknown. One hundred, seven thousand people amounts to about nine Gloucester Cities.
Yesterday, (12/21/2022) DC News Now reported that A Massachusetts man was found guilty of trafficking four tons of cocaine. A compact car weighs about 2,000 pounds and an average sedan weighs about 4,000 pounds. So, this man transported a full-sized sedan's weight of cocaine, or two Kias.
Today, (12/22/2022) MSN/CBS reported that in Las Vegas 2,000 pounds of fentanyl pills were found in a hollowed- out dictionary. That amount could kill more than 300 million people or most of the United States (population about 325 million people.)
This comes after earlier this week the Drug Enforcement Agency announced the seizure of 379** million fentanyl pills. That is more than one for every American and most Canadians. Keep in mind that it only takes an amount the size of a grain of salt to kill. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more deadly than other opioids.
The U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection officials confiscated 1 million fentanyl pills in Nogales, AZ this week. That is in addition to the 1.5 million pills they confiscated in the same city earlier this month. Along with the 1 million pills this week, 196 pounds of Meth was also found on a train coming from Mexico into the United States.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that opioids deaths for victims aged 14 to 18 skyrocketed 94 percent between 2019 to 2020, the pandemic years. It then rose an additional 20% between 2020 and 2021.
Again, a warning: unless you buy it at a reputable store or pharmacy, don't eat it, drink it, or smoke it.
* Some sources say fentanyl, other say illegal drugs. The Center for Disease Control contends that 70% of all overdose deaths involve fentanyl.
** It is possible that more than one of these sources have reported the same seizure. However, once enough fentanyl to kill every American and most Canadians comes into the United States, does it matter?