OPINION:Why Were GCity Republican Council Candidates So Timid?
Why Were GCity Republican Council Candidates So Timid?
Friday, December 23, 2022
William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNewsnet
The three unknown Gloucester City Republican council candidates Jason Fanning, James Mueller, and Anthony Kates who challenged the Democrat incumbents in November never stood a chance in our opinion. Why? They were not combative enough. Even though they had a 'barrel of ammunition' provided by CNBNews investigations to attack their opponents, they never fired a shot that caught on with the public.
There were numerous pressing issues the people wanted them to talk about such as;
After almost three years, the city still has a part-time Administrator. Since long-time administrator Jack Lipsett quit the position in 2020, the city's police chief, Brian Morrell, has held the slot. He was only appointed temporarily in December 2021 while the council interviewed candidates. That interview in March 2021 of eight applicants came and went. Morrell is nearing retirement from his position as police chief. His pension will be based on his last three years of salary, which is presently over $200,000. As police chief, he was making $144,000. The council should have named him interim administrator and given him a stipend for the extra duties, but for whatever reason, they didn't do that. Recently this man was involved in union negotiations, shouldn't that be a conflict of interest?
The public wanted answers to the long-time investigation of an assistant Public Works supervisor who allegedly was under suspicion of stealing either equipment or money from that department. Every time CNBNews inquired about the alleged theft, (since June 2022) the temporary city administrator/police chief responded, "the matter is under investigation."
The challengers should have harped on the fact that since 2018 under the Democratic leadership the City of Gloucester, had one of the highest tax rates in the state, being ranked consistently at number 23 out of 30 communities. The City is so poor it qualifies to be an Abbot School District and UEZ Zone. Two distinctions no one would want to have for their community but the Democrats love the idea that they get extra monies to use for their pet projects.
No police report in several years. Once again the Republicans did not come out and ask this question, "what was the police chief/temporary city administrator and Democrat governing body hiding from the citizens?" Every police chief since the 1970s provided the press with a weekly crime report. Morrell response when asked why he doesn't, "it takes to much time." The city police department has more police officers than ever in their long history. The most the police has numbered in the past was 30, that included officers and detectives. Today the number is somewhere between 34 and 37. Those in charge won't give the press the exact number. And, yet despite more employees than ever, the public still doesn't get to see a crime report. Why does the number of officers keep increasing. Is it because crime is increasing? We will never know as long as the temporary police chief/city administrator, mayor and council keeps the public in the dark. At the December 22 council meeting another police officer, Vincent DiGiacomo Jr., took the oath of office. Also on the meeting's agenda was the purchase of two more police vehicles.
Why didn't the Republicans run a mayoral candidate? When asked they said, "after having a beer with Mayor Baile, we feel we can work with him." If change was ever going to come to this city's government, the Republicans needed complete control of the council. If they had been elected, they would have been in the minority. The citizens never came to the polls because they saw the writing on the wall. Gloucester City, at one point in time, had 6000 plus voters. Baile and his running mates got less than 1000 votes. The Republicans got a few hundred. Maybe another reason for the low turnout, is that there are more apartments in our city than ever before. Could it be those living in apartments just don't vote for local candidates?
The Republicans themselves told us they had people coming to them about questionable actions by some city employees and local officials but never mentioned those publically either.
We were told that Baile and his team are no longer influence by the Camden County Democrat Machine. Yet, when the insurrection to overthrow what remained of the City Democrat Club the first place the person leading that scheme, a former city police officer, city mayor and county sheriff, contacted was the 'Camden County and State Democrat Norcross Machine.'
Where have we heard this promise before? Yes, we know. It was the James Gang in 2007. They were independent Democrats. Their promise lasted until the gavel came down at that year's reorganization meeting.
Do any of you expect anything different this time around?
Watch the resolutions being approved at the Reoganization meeting on January 5. You'll find your answer right away at that meeting. If the same old appointments of political carpetbaggers and professional cronies aka Norcross Machine, are named you know that the faces of the city fathers might look different but as far as any policy change policies changing it is not going to happen anytime soon.
We have been called an old curmudgeon at times for speaking the truth. We don't mind being called a curmudgeon or old, in fact they are two titles we wear with pride. You have a Right to Know what is happening and we will continue to bring you that information despite being hindered at times by those in charge.
We like to thank our faithful followers for their loyalty over the past 16 years. And, we wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.
RELATED: Gloucester City Council Reorganization Meeting Thursday,