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Gloucester City Employees Receive Pay Raises; Salaries Range from a Low $36,192 to a High $96,797

Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 22.42.45Mayor and council will meet Thursday at 7 PM at the police administration building, 313 Monmouth Street. 


GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (December 21, 2022)(CNBNewsnet)--Gloucester City Mayor and Council will vote on increasing the salaries of city firefighters, public works department employees, and white collar staff at Thursday', December 22 meeting held in council chambers, 313 Monmouth Street, starting at 7 PM.

  Other essential items on the agenda include the swearing-in of newly hired police officer Vincent DiGiacomo Jr. and the approval of amending the Zoning Map, which will allow for the building of 350 apartments at Freedom Pier. Also, council will authorize the payment of monthly bills totaling $2,769,091. 

A quick breakdown of the numbers reveals salaries will range from a low of $39,775 in 2023 for a Step 1 fireman to a high of $96,797 in 2024 for a Step 8 firefighter specialist in the last year of the contract.

The new salary guide for firemen appears below: 


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The salaries for employees of the public works department range from a low of $36,192 for a Step 1 laborer to a high of $69,132 for a Step 9 supervisor garage attendant.


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Salaries for white-collar employees range from a low of $31,703 in 2023 for a Clerk 1 to a high of $60,129 for a principal cashier in their 10th year of employment. 

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