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Five Hacks to Get Your Essay Done Quickly When You're Short on Time

Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 20.28.13

What do you do when you’ve got to complete an essay within a  day? 

You might panic a bit. You do not know how to get it done within a short period. You keep on wondering and waste more time.

Don’t worry; there is a solution to every problem. 

Here are five tips to get your essay done quickly and on time.

  1. Organize And Plan

A goal without a plan is just a wish’. 

The saying goes true for writing an essay too. You won’t be able to finish your work if you have not planned. 


Writing an essay requires you to devote some time. Writing a five-page essay in one night is not easy. It requires you to research thoroughly, whether the topic is literature, arts or science.

Don’t jump to work right away. Take time to chalk out a plan

Outline the essay. Organize the headlines properly. Research all points thoroughly and note them down.

After planning, write it accordingly. It will declutter your mind and you can write the essay calmly. It will save most of your time.

  1. Use Your Time Effectively

It is necessary to keep track of your time as well. Planning the essay is not enough. You need to plan your day accordingly.

If an essay is on a complex topic, you may need to devote more time. Figure out how quickly you can finish it off.

Decide how much time you have to devote to each paragraph or heading. Keep a timer and start writing.

  1. Find a Suitable Place 

A comfortable place motivates you to work better. Your mind panics when you are in a hurry to do something. To ensure it stays calm, you should find the best place to complete your essay.

If you are a nature lover, go to a nearby park or sit on your balcony. If you love working indoors, ensure the chair and table are comfortable.

Make sure there is enough light. Sit in a quiet room if you prefer silence.

You need to decide which place suits you best. There should be fewer distractions around you.

  1. Stay Away From Phones and TV

The biggest distractors of our generation are electronic media. Your focus gets diverted if you have the TV on while working. A single notification from your phone can distract your mind. Your productivity gets hampered.

To ensure you aren’t distracted, you should set your mobile aside. If you need to search online, turn off your mobile notifications. This can help you work without being disturbed.

  1. Take Breaks And Stay Hydrated

Working continuously for long hours is not a good idea. Some people are workaholics and they prefer it that way. Studies suggest that there are many dangers of being a workaholic.

It is ideal to take short breaks. Be careful not to let the break-time stretch too long. Otherwise, you will waste your time without realizing it.

Look away from your book or computer screen, and blink a few times. This prevents strain on your eyes.

It is necessary to have lots of water while you work. Dehydration makes your mind fatigued. You won’t be able to generate ideas for your essay. Always keep a water bottle by your side.

Other Quick Tips

  • Chew bubble gum while you are working. It will keep your mind alert and focused. It also helps in reducing your anxiety.
  • Do not panic, this will make your mind less open to ideas. Stay calm and figure out the best plan.
  • Do not hesitate to take help if you are stuck. Ask your teachers or friends to help you out.
  • Meditate for a few minutes before you start working. This will relax your mind and you will be able to work quickly.


Being occupied with too many things in school or college, you may feel that you’re always short on time. 

Numerous assignments, essays and homework seem to bombard your schedule every other day. Some of them have to be completed within one night. All these may result in panic and stress.

Effective time management is the key to success. Follow these hacks and you will be able to complete your essay on time!
