THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: How Many Times Can You Vote?
How Many Times Can You Vote?
Monday, October 17, 2022
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (October 17, 2022)--A not-for-profit organization, Public Interest Legal Foundation, announced the results of a New Jersey voter records study this week. The results were interesting but predictable.
They found over 33,000 voters with fictitious birthdates. That doesn't seem like such a big deal but think about it for a minute. John Smith is age 21 and registered to vote. Then he goes back a week later and registers to vote as John Smith, age 51. Remember that in New Jersey and most states, it is illegal to ask for ID when voting. So, John Smith votes for himself and his father.Then there are duplicates. One person votes twice. There are 8,239 of them but that accounts for 16,478 votes. Would you believe in triplicates? Yes, 61 people are registered to vote three times. That amounts to 183 votes.Not included in this study is the dead who vote, those who have been convicted of felonies (yes, felons lose their right to vote), and illegal residents who are not qualified to vote but do.RELATED: