NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

CNB Comics: Wrong Way by Dave Wolfe
Cornell University Professor James Gross Retires; former Gloucester City Resident and GCHS Alum Class of '51

GCN ARCHIVES (1948-2005)Stiles Award Presented To Green & Campbell

EDITOR'S NOTE-(Gloucester City, NJ)(October 4, 2022)--The Cleary family owned the Gloucester Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 14.49.11City News, Inc. (GCN) for 57 years (1948 up until 2005). Over the next several weeks, we will post articles that appeared in the paper from that period on ClearysNoteBook (CNBNewsnet) (

The Internet became a reality in 1983. For many years, the Internet was mainly used by government groups and scientists, but in 1995, commercial Internet access started to be sold to consumers. As a result of our effort, the stories we will be publishing will now be available on the World Wide Web. If you have an obituary or a news article published in the Gloucester City News from the period mentioned that you would like to share with the world, send it to [email protected].


Stiles Award Presented To Green & Campbell

20221003_102850 2  (1st row) Anne, Michaeleen, Karen Stiles. (2nd row)Jim Goldschmidt, Bob Bevan, Mike Campbell, Shawn Green, (3rd row) Bill Cleary, Bill Rettig, Sam Gager, Bob Fritz


By  Connie L. Woods/GCN Staff reporter

GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (The first annual “Joe Stiles Memorial Award” was given to Shawn Green of Gloucester City High School and Mike Campbell of Gloucester Catholic High School. 

Joe Stiles’ daughters, Karen and Michaelen Stiles presented the awards on Friday, February 1, just before the Gloucester High-Gloucester Catholic basketball game held at Gloucester High School.

Both seniors, Green plates offensive lineman and linebacker, and Campbell played fullback and linebacker. The coaches from both schools, Leon Harris and Tony Garczynski, briefly outlined the accomplishments of the two players on and off the field.

The Stiles Award is presented to a senior football p;ayer from both schools who is nominated by a vot of the students peers-in this case, other football players. The names are then submitted to a committee that consists of friends of Stiles who make the final selection. 

Committee members include: Bob Bevan, Bill Cleary, Bob Fritz, Sam Gager, Jim Goldschmidt and Bill Rettig. Stiles, who died in 2000, played the position of offensive guard and linebacker for the Lions during his four years on the school's football team, from 1959 to 1962.

Growing up as a youth he played on the Carmen Palmiero Midget Football team. He also played football with the Cramer Hill Wildcats. Stiles stood about 5 foot 6 inches. But when he played football, his size was not a deterrent. He was so quick and strong his teammates gave him the nickname, “The Jet.”

Stiles was named to the Tri-County Second Team, Group II Honorable Mention, Brook’s-Irvin Club Lineman of the Week and was the recipient of the Andy Kowalski Award. He was a coach for the Carmen Palmiero Basketball League, the Carmen Palmiero Football League, and St. Mary’s CYO Football League.





