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How to Write a Custom Argumentative Essay

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Writing is a tedious task that can be difficult for some people, but following the tips mentioned in this article will ensure you get good results. Writing well is not a one-time thing. However, developing the habit of writing well substance will pay off in the future. If you need assistance with your write my essay, buy a paper from a writing service such as Edubirdie.

Argumentative essay outline

To write an excellent argumentative essay, you must have a proper outline. The outline should include an introductory paragraph, supporting evidence, a thesis statement, and a conclusion. The preceding paragraph should set the stage and provide background information that explains the position you are taking. It should also answer the reader's questions about the issue.

An argumentative essay outline helps you organize your ideas and thoughts in the correct order. It also prevents you from leaving out important points.

Body paragraphs

The main goal of a body paragraph is to support the topic sentence by providing examples and explanations. Therefore, it should be concise and easy to understand. Moreover, it should relate logically to the previous paragraph. To avoid confusing readers, make sure your body paragraphs are structured in the same manner as the introduction.

The body paragraph should start with a factual statement and end with two specific examples. These examples should support the essay's main point and should not contradict the thesis. To write an effective body paragraph, it is a good idea to have an outline of your essay before starting to write.

When writing an argumentative essay, you should ensure the body paragraphs tie together with the persuasive thesis. Use examples, statistics, and your own opinion to support your claims. For instance, if you're advocating for free Wi-Fi in schools, you can use examples of how students' test scores increased after the school introduced free Wi-Fi. You can also quote people whose opinions on the subject will support your point of view.


A good argumentative essay should make a strong claim and back it up with factual evidence. Using solid evidence will make your essay writer seem more authoritative and convince your readers to agree with you. A professional writing service will follow all the rules and requirements to produce a top-notch piece. In addition, you will never be subjected to plagiarism as long as you work with a reputable firm.

It is vital to choose a specific topic for your argumentative essay. It will make the writing and research process more accessible. Selecting a specific topic will also make it easier for you to create a strong thesis statement. A general topic will make your essay long and rambling, and it will be challenging to make a compelling argument if you can't decide on a narrow topic.


Creating a reference list is essential to writing a custom argumentative essay. First, you must include all the sources you used for your research and analysis. Then, to create an effective reference list, check the style guide for the specific paper type and format. In general, you should use APA, MLA, or Chicago style. If unsure, look up examples of the same book's reference in the various types.

When citing your sources, make sure you give enough information to identify the source and date of publication. You do not need to repeat author names. Instead, place the references at the end of the sentence or the end of the paragraph, usually in front of a comma.

Thesis statement

The thesis statement of a custom argumentative essay must relate to the topic and give readers a clear understanding of what the paper is about. It is generally composed of an essay's research question and explains why the question or argument is essential. The statement should also take a position. Finally, it should convey the writer's work on the topic, and the weight given to the information will depend on the type of essay.

If you're writing about animal rights, it's helpful to make a thesis statement that supports that position. The thesis statement for a research paper needs to be clear, concise, and include solid arguments supporting the report's claims. It should also fight against the opposing viewpoint. It would be best if you addressed this argument to readers who may disagree with your statement. this blog will help you write the best essay for any question.
