Dorothy Philbin | CNBNews Columnist
GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ--I was recently asked how Gloucester City School District compares to other districts in the area. The first district I chose was Woodbury, thinking its demographics would be similar to our own. Once I digest the overall information, I will be able to go into a comparison of specific schools and grades.
Gloucester City's popular, 11,248, is slightly higher than Woodbury's at 9,861. The median household income is a little higher in Gloucester City, $59,394, while Woodbury's is $55,226. However, Woodbury has a 67 more households than we do.
Even though Woodbury has four schools to our three, they have 628 fewer students than we. Gloucester City has 2,258 to Woodbury's 1,630. It is surprising that one out of three students in Woodbury lives in an apartment, whereas in Gloucester City, it is one out of four. Since Gloucester City has only one (expensive) apartment complex it appears that most of Gloucesterites live in converted homes.
The ethnic compositions of the two districts are very different. Gloucester's district has 77% white students, 4% black students, 12% Hispanic, 6% Asian and only 2% multiple races. Woodbury, on the other hand only has about half (53%) white students. 25% black, 15% Hispanic, 2.2% Asian, and 6% multiple races.
In the next few posts, I will compare specific grades and their test scores and other information.