NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Elva L. Chew, former Gloucester City Resident; GHS Alum
PHILADELPHIA CRIME: 2 Suspects Wanted for Shooting Incident

THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: $37.5 Billion, Please


Dorothy Philbin | CNBNews Columnist


Today in Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden announced that his administration will allocate $37.5 Billion to refund the police and fight crime.  What crime? Images-3

Here in South Jersey, I can't name any community which defunded its police force.  I don't know of any community which saw riots, burning buildings or city takeover (do you remember the City of Chas?)  So why should we have to pay to rebuild other cities' police forces and building?
My first question to all these cities who defunded their police forces - what did you do with the money which had been budgeted for policing?  How did you spend that money?  Then, if you want non-rioting taxpayers to rebuild your cities, how do you determine the dollar amount?  Surely, there was insurance coverage somewhere.  How much and what was done with that money?
Our government is too quick to hand out money without explaining how the dollar amount was determined, where the money is coming from and specifically where that money is going.  Each taxpayer's share to refund the police $37.5 billion is $262.  For your convenience they'll take cash, checks, or credit cards.
